Chapter 16

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"Unbelievable! We try to protect this woman from Emma Dean and the reporters flash her picture all over the paper! Now the secret is out that we are trying to protect this woman! I told you two to be discreet! How the hell did you let this happen?!"

The chief's face had turned as red as a tomato and spit flew from his mouth as he yelled. He was mad. No. Mad was the wrong word. He was furious. What was supposed to be a secret was now advertised all over the paper and the news. Now the hope of keeping Barbie safe failed. Officer Peggy and Officer Moore had felt even more mad when they first found out. The reporters were really costing them their jobs. But no one was as mad as Chief Moore. He knew that all their hard work had just gone down the drain thanks to the reporters.

"We know how you must feel, sir, but we had no idea." Officer Tony said.

"I don't want to hear your lame apologies! We might have another murder tonight and it's all because you two couldn't do one simple job! I want you two out there right now fixing this! Get out of my damn office!" He knew he needed to apologize to Officer Peggy, but he was so mad that he feared he might say more to upset her.

He slouched in his chair and poured himself a glass of coffee.

"If we would have had more men, none of this would have happened. Now we are playing with a woman's life here. We could lose our job if we don't do this better the second time."

Officer Peggy sat at her desk and agreed with him. They had promised to keep Barbie safe and now her picture was all over the TV screen and the papers. She would sue them if anything happened. She was their next step. To get her to work with them again. Easier said then done.

Loyd came in with Barbie later. She was mad and Officer Peggy just knew that she was going to get another lecture.

"How could you let this happen? You made me leave my home because you said it was dangerous and now you move me to a hotel only to have my face plastered all over the news and the paper! Who are you two kidding here? I want to go home now! No more of this nonsense!"

"We are sorry for the mistake Ms. Madison, but we can't let you go home. Emma knows where you live and we have faith that she won't find you. The reporters are unaware of where you are located." Officer Peggy said.

"And now she knows I am in hiding! If you do not take me home this instant, I will sue you for everything you got! That little brat will find me and I won't die walking around with you morons!"

"And again, we can't allow that. We can move you without reporters but it will have to be after dark. If you don't mind staying here."

Barbie turned on Chief Moore. "Stay here? Are you out of your mind? I want to go home! I put my trust in you people and now look what has happened! You are no closer to getting this girl then you are saving lives! I will be fine at my home!"

Chief Moore stood up and looked at Loyd. Loyd looked just as angry as them, but remained quiet. If Barbie went home, it would be another death added to the list of murders. If that happened, then the chief and Officer Peggy would lose their jobs. If they wanted to keep their job, they had to make sure that Barbie was safe and unharmed. Her son as well.

"We leave at dark. That is the last thing that will be said. If you will have your things ready, we will move out."

"I will be waiting. Don't disappoint me again." She snapped storming out with Loyd on her heels.

Barbie said no more, but allowed Loyd to help her out. Officer Peggy downed her coffee and allowed her mind to relax. She hoped this worked out this time or they would be looking for new jobs.

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