Chapter 11

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"Motel 6. The best motel in town. Room 5 for you and here is a pamphlet of our breakfast in the morning. It isn't big, but we make the best."

The motel manager was a short bald man wearing a dirty gray tank top. He was friendly, but sloppy. His desk was covered in fast food wrappers and dirty napkins. Emma would have left if she wasn't so desperate for a place to stay. He smelt of onions and sweat. Emma had given him cash for a room and he had happily provided her with a room key and more information about the motel then she cared to hear. She took the key and went to the room. She had to walk around the back of the building but she didn't mind that. Once she was in the room and the door locked, she jumped in the shower and changed into her clean clothes she had gotten that day.

She had traveled so far from home and didn't know where she was, but she hoped it was a safe distance away. It was a small town somewhere here in Oklahoma. She didn't have much money to travel out of state and figured this would do for now. She flipped on the TV and saw Officer Peggy and Officer Moore talking to news reporters on live air.

"We do not have any whereabouts on where Emma Dean is, but we have some of the best police officers in the county out searching for her. We believe that she may have escaped to a deserted area where no one will have seen the news to identify her. Her parents claim to not have seen her. We are keeping a close eye on her sister because we have been told that they are close. If we find her, we hope we can end these fires and protect the people of this town."

Emma turned the TV off and ran her hands through her hair. How much more running could she do? She really missed Emily and being home with her. She missed Beth and spending time with her. She missed going to work and working beside Beth. What did Beth and her parents think of her now? Just thinking about that made her want to cry some more. She had felt like someone with them and now she ruined it. She lay down and allowed herself to sleep. She needed it.

The smell of smoke filled Emma's nostrils. She looked around and saw herself in the park. Why was she in the park? It was late. The moon was full and the park was lit with lights. Emma slowly walked to the large tree by the slide and looked past it at the pretty white house behind it. It stood surrounded by beautiful trees. It was deserted and for reasons no one knew about. Emma studied the house. She recognized this house. She made her way to the window and looked inside. A bigger man wearing a red sweater sat by the fire in his recliner reading a magazine. Emma focused hard on the magazine. It had pictures of cars on the cover. This man loved cars. How did she know him? She focused hard on the man in the recliner. Then a woman walked in wearing a yellow sundress with flowers on it. She was carrying a tray to him with food on it. She moved so gracefully to the nightstand beside him and sat the tray down. He turned and looked at her with a smile on his face.

They looked so loving. Why was Emma here?

He gently took the woman's hand in his and held it. She returned the smile and planted a kiss on his cheek. When she stood up straight, she slipped out of the room closing the door behind her. The man rose from his chair and stepped closer to the fire. He dialed away on his cellphone and held it to his ear. Emma moved closer to listen in on the conversation.

"Hello sweetheart. My wife is going to bed right now. Do you want me to come over? I can. She will never know."

The man was cheating on his wife. Emma remembered someone from her childhood who had done that a lot. What was the mans name?

He slowly walked to the window and looked out. Emma hid in the bushes afraid he might see her and call the police. He stared straight ahead out the window and continued listening to the person on the phone. "We made it this far without getting caught. We can make it without her knowing. Don't give out on me now, baby."

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