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Work dragged on for Emma as she bussed tables and took orders. It was a slow day. She had spent the whole morning with Beth at her house and then had to leave to go to work. She was more excited to see Emily since she had been ill the past two days. The stomach bug was going around and her sister got it. Her dad had been in a cranky mood lately and it worried Emma the way he yelled at Emily and hit their mother. Emily was sick and had to stay home to hear it all. They wouldn't even take her to the doctor.

Emily was doing homework when Emma got home. Her dad was asleep in the recliner and her mother was asleep on the couch. The dishes were piled up and trash was everywhere. The smell of trash was overwhelming like they were running a trash dump here. Sometimes, she would spray perfume or whatever she could find just to get rid of the smell. Her mom used to light candles. Vanilla was her favorite scent. That or pumpkin pie.

 Emma began cleaning the mess and preparing supper too. She handed Emily a water and grabbed one for herself. 

"Feeling better?" 

Emily shook her head no. 

"I will make you some soup. Mom used to make it when I was sick. It's like the meal that helps you get better." She had no idea if that was true, she Emily didn't know that. She smiled.

"Sounds delicious."

Emma nodded and returned to the kitchen. As she cooked, her mother stepped beside her and sipped a water. She hadn't heard her wake up or even move. The wooden floors creaked so she knew she would have heard her mom.

"Your dad and I were just told about Luke dying in a house fire. The police pulled us in the station. Your dads upset so do not do anything to upset him even more. They were his friends."

"He didn't seem upset."

"Emotions make us weak. Your dad's not a weak man and will not be pegged as one."

Her mother stared at her as she spoke intently. It was times like this when she couldn't say anything because she saw the old version of her mom in her eyes. She didn't want to ruin the moment. She missed it.

"Okay." Emma said.

Her mom nodded and took over dinner for Emma. Emma was surprised, but didn't argue. She was glad her mom was up doing something.

Laying in bed felt good after a long day. Emma felt her eyes get heavy and her body relax. Since her dad was asleep again, she decided to take a long nap as well. She was pulled from reality into a nightmare that felt all too real.

She stood on a street looking towards a huge house at the end of the street. Emma recognized the house immediately. It was the Newson's house and it was on fire. She stood there scared as if she would get arrested for just watching. She could hear screaming from the house and it made her walk towards the fire. She could see Tiffany and her children climbing out the balcony window scared to death. John was no where to be seen. Maybe he was still in the house.

She watched Tiffany and her children run away from the house and scream at John to wake up. Tiffany screamed the loudest getting ready to run back inside to save him. Emma could see him trying to get out. There was no escape for him. He banged on the window having tried to open it. The window must have been locked because no matter how hard he lifted or how hard he hit the window, there was no getting out. Tears flooded down from Tiffany's face. She knew there was nothing she could do to save him.

Emma shot up in bed and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She hated these nightmares.

The Newson's were friends of the Greyson's who loved to harass Emily. John Newson was the worst. He would threaten Emily and tell her that she needed to keep quiet because she cried a lot. Emma hated it. Emily was always forced to stay at the Newson's when their parents went out. John Newson would force himself on Emily and Emma wanted to kill him for it. He had a beautiful young wife who could pass for a model and she loved Emma and Emily so much and even offered they live with her, but Emma had to turn her down knowing that John would be there. She didn't have the courage to tell Tiffany about John and what he did to Emily. She liked Tiffany enough to hide that from her. She didn't want to hurt her. When John got worse, they quit visiting them  having lied to their parents claiming John didn't want them there. Their parents never asked  about it. When she found out that Tiffany and Johns two kids Macy and Tracy were going through the same thing, she cried. She could have helped them.

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