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The fires were driving the police rampid. A few weeks apart was kind of obvious something sinister was happening. And again, there was no evidence telling what or who caused it. That made it all even more stressful. There was only one suspect so far and the more they thought about it, the more they didn't think that suspect was involved with the Greyson's.

     Officer Peggy May spent many hours trying to figure it out but nothing came up. Several hours of drinking five cups of coffee and trying to force herself not to give up, but her body wanted to. Even coffee couldn't keep her body going. She was chosen to be on the case because of her determination to solve them. She didn't give up easily and did everything she could to make sure everything was looked into. This case was the most strange one she ever worked and she worked many since she first joined the team five years ago. Then finally she found something. The people who died in in burnings were connected and that was a step up from knowing nothing. She didn't want to get too excited because it could really mean nothing and just be a random act. Not that she believed that.

         She flipped through the files studying as much as she could. It wasn't much but it was something.  She grabbed the file and tossed it on Chief More's desk. He looked up at her and then glanced through the file. She had a tendency to help herself in his office and he never complained. He knew her well enough to know there was no stopping her. She mostly came in when she had something interesting to tell.

"These fires connect. The Wilson's were friends with the Greyson's and worked in the same office. They were arrested together two years ago and released two months later at the same time which is kind of odd. Both worked at One - Eyed Shawn's shop in town for several years before finishing college." She could tell she had his attention and was pleased with this information. Officer Peggy could tell he wasn't pleased with being beaten to the punch. He hid it behind his tough facade. He liked to be the first one to figure out. After all, he was the chief.

He flipped through the files some more thinking of the connection and who could possibly want to kill them. It all seemed like a revenge plot or something. He scratched his bald head and looked up at Officer Peggy. She was a very beautiful woman and she chose to be single. The chief would sometimes flirt with her but since they were coworkers, she refused to return the flirting. She never gave him the time of day other than sharing information she collected on projects they were working on. He wanted to ask her out and she saw it in the way he looked at her, but knew the answer already. Relationships with a coworker never worked out and it's happened before. It was a lesson learned.

"We better talk with the men who work there. They might have what we need." He said pushing all thoughts of relationships out of his head. He had to stay focused on the case and not his fascination with her. He found himself getting distracted by her a lot. But now it was time to get what they needed. He grabbed his notebook and pen. "And let's do this right away."

One - Eyed Shawn's shop smelt like sweaty men and grease. The ground was littered with trash and beer cans and some old greasy rags. It was like no one bothered to clean up after themselves. The loud rock music in the back of the shop drowned out any noise there was in the shop. One-eyed Shawn was under a car working on it when he saw Officer Peggy. One-eyed Shawn was the owner of the shop and only had one eye which is how he got his name. It started out a joke then just kind of stuck with him. He was shot in the left eye with a rifle a few years back and he figured the best way to get over it was to make a joke out of it.

He wiped his hands on his pants and gave that cocky smile like he always did when he was about to flirt. Officer Peggy knew his games. He liked women. Especially women in uniform. He would flirt trying to get them to go home with him. If he let his shop look like this, she could only imagine what his home was like. She was used to getting hit on by men everywhere she went. But she had no desire to give in to any of it. One - eyed Shawn loved flirting and never gave up if turned down. He wasn't the type of man she would even be interested in. She had heard of him from several people in town and knew he would cooperate if there was a pretty woman involved which was why chief Moore sent her. When she learned of this, she wasn't too pleased with it. But she felt better having company. Chief Moore was assisting her. One - eyed Shawn backed off when she had a partner.

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