Chapter 1

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THE WILSON FIRE (what the cops called it) was a huge house fire that murdered the Wilson family inside. It happened in a blink of an eye. The family inside didn't have time to get out. They didn't hear the fire alarms going off which rose suspicions to the police. How the fire got started remained a mystery. Nothing led the investigators to believe it was started by matches or a cigarette. All the lighters that  were found were in a lockbox and there were no cigarettes in sight.

There was a fireplace, but it hadn't been lit in awhile from what the investigators said. It was well taken care of and was probably dust free before the fire. Now ashes and soot covered it. The house almost looked like a mansion but not considered one according to the papers. The house had been there overlooking the smaller houses around it. Once the police approached the scene, they weren't sure which room was where or if there was even bodies yet. The home didn't look like it just caught fire, but like it just exploded. Everything was spread out proving that.

The investigation would continue for awhile with no leads to begin to solve it. They were stuck in the unknowing. The detectives had a feeling there would be no solving it for awhile due to the lack of evidence, but their jobs demanded they try. The chief wanted to close the case, but because of his curiosity, he changed his mind. He was too curious for his own good which is why he joined the police force in the first place. Even as a kid, he was always trying to find out information on things that happened around him.

        The family inside seemed normal to the detectives when they talked to the ones who knew them in the neighborhood. When the sirens flooded the neighborhood, speculators came pouring into the streets to see what the commotion was. Police had to hold them back when they tried to get too close.

From what the neighbors told them, the Wilson's were your typical family that you bump into in town and wave to. They were always out working and were hardly ever home on the weekends. But they knew things that passed through the grapevine.

Mr. Wilson was a lawyer and was a good one at that. He never lost a case he worked on and he did have several enemies but none that would end his life. They were mostly peers from work he had argued with several times, but nothing more. Most said he was good with the ladies if his boyish looks didn't  tell them that right away. He that curly blonde hair and those dimples when he smiled. Girls went crazy upon meeting him.

       He loved cigars and would have one every chance he got. But he was careful to never leave them laying around. His wife would say that he was an older man trapped in a young man's body. He was constantly out with his friends after work living it up like a teenage boy. He liked to stay out all night partying and having fun. Mrs. Wilson didn't like it, but never spoke it aloud.

       He was friends with the police always inviting them to parties at his country house in Oklahoma because he liked to be involved in their work. He even held charities for them showing his support. Everyone knew better than to tell him no. He was the man who got his way no matter what. He offered the richest champagne and sushi with blocks of cheese, anyone, around could find. He would only share it with those who attended his parties. Money was his god and he treated it as such. He associated himself with celebrities hoping to make it bigger in the business career. Getting his name out there was important to him. They were the lime light he wanted.

Mrs. Wilson was a quiet woman with a secret to hide. She had dirty blond hair and wore bright red lipstick like her husband wanted. He liked a woman to look young and beautiful every minute of the day. You could tell she was obedient to her husband and was always there to support him. She would spend every waking moment getting her husbands' parties ready and packing his bags for when he left. Neighbors claimed she seemed tense when he was around like she was afraid he would lash out at her if she took the wrong step.

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