Destruction - Chapter 25 - Maisie.

Start from the beginning

Kale's cannon goes and the hovercraft is there. Harry runs towards her and she's still crying, I remember her name is maisie, he cut her leg just above the arterie but didn't have time to finish the fatal wound Harry pulls his top off ripping it and bandaging the wound tightly, in any other opputunity I'd stop and admire but I have to be on guard , Ade could still be around, this could be my chance to kill him. 

"Flora!" Harry shouts, as he pulls me to kneel at the ground next to her. 

"Keep her with us!" he shouts, I look at her face properly, she's staring right at me, unblinking, I have to squeeze my eyes shut and open them as I study her face, her eyes the same green as mine and hair exactly the same shade, I'm shaking, she's prehaps a bit taller than me and looks stronger, a few less freckles, but similiar so similar, like we could be related... 

"FLORA!" Harry roars. 

"Talk to her!" he says. 

"I.. I'm sorry" I stammer. I look at her again. 

"Maisie? ... Maisie ? It's Flora... I think we look kind of alike don't you ?" I start babbling but when I say it Harry looks from her leg to her face, and then at me, and her, and me. I realise I've stopped. 

"Keep talking, this is gonna hurt maisie!" He says even though I think she's past hearing. She suddenly let's out a scream but it's like she's been jolted back to life, she blinks at me. 

"I'm done" Harry whispers, tying her makeshift bandage into a tight knot. 

Harry p.o.v

"We need to move! He could be back any minuete" I say, trying to nudge Flora into action, she seems more unlikely to move than maisie, Maisie's eyes roll back into her head, I laugh it's almost comical due to Flora's dawdling situtation. 

I scoop her up. 

"Come on!" I try and spur Flora into action and she seems to acknowledge me this time, she grabs her stuff and my stuff and we head out off the castle ruins, there's a ditch. and I leap it still carrying maisie and clear it somehow, Flora follows and I head further into the castle, up some steps to a platform but it's wide and the perfect look out. 

I stop and set Maisie down, she's blacked out ,the shirt bandage is holding up but is bloodstained already, Flora sinks down back against the wall her head in her hands, I've already learned she doesn't deal with gore easily, but she's done her part. 

I let Maisie drift off to sleep after I've made her drink something, Flora hasn't looked up since, I sit down next to her, still topless the cold stone hurts my back.

"Are you okay ?" I ask. 

"Yeah.. just a bit overwhelmed" she sighs brushing her matted fringe from her damp face. 

"Do you need a Harry hug ?" I laugh as I hold out my arms and she moves into them, her hair tickling my bare chest, we sit in silence for a few minuetes.. maybe 10 ? or twenty, I don't know, just enjoying the quiet before an another inevitable storm. 

"Flora ?" comes Maisie's voice, she's awake and Flora stops breathing, I find it strange that she's asking for Flora and not me, not strange just I didn't think her and Flora had much of a connection. I nudge Flora forward. 

"Yes?" she replies moving over to where maisie is propped up on her elbows.

"I think we look alike too..." Maisie says quietly, Flora looks at me as if for reassurance and I nod. 

"It's weird seeing as.. we're from completely different districts" Laughs Flora as Maisie sits up using the wall to support her. 

"Yeah.. but my mum told me something once that I find strange" She says, Flora pauses and focus' on her I can tell she's propely listening this time. 

"What was it?" asks Flora looking sort of uneasy. 

"She.. she said we had family in 12" says Maisie.

"Is your mum's name.." Flora starts. 

"Jane" they say in unison. 

"That's my aunties name..." Flora says, I move forward, Flora genuinely looks like she's about to faint. 

"So. we're cousins ?" Maisie says, Flora nods. 

"Wow small world right" I laugh but they're both studying each other. 

"How're your parents ?" asks Maisie, I feel myself wince at the awkward silence. 

"They... they died" Flora whispers. Maisie's jaw drops open. 

"I'm so sorry! honestly I-" she protests. 

"It's okay... you weren't to know" smiles Flora. 

It seems awkward but they become more animated as they talk about things, and as Maisie says about her mum, Flora seems to cheer up, I wonder if her mum and her auntie were simmilar. 

Soon we've had dinner and Maisie has fallen asleep instantly, I suppose sleep is the best remedy, these next few days are going to be difficult. 

"It's crazy that you two are cousins right ?" I say as I climb into our sleeping bag. 

"It's horrible" She says quietly.

"Why?!" I ask. 

"Because if Ade doesn't kill her.. we have to! we might as well have left her" She murmers. I start to protest and then stop. 

"It'll seem better in the morning" is all I say. 

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