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Okay, I'm sorry but I have to say this: All I can picture is that scene from the Kardashians where Kim loses her earrings in the ocean and she's in tears and Kourtney just deadpans, "Kim, there are people who are dying."

Anywayyyyyy, moving on..., I hope you guys know that you can talk to me right? I promise am not scary, if u need someone to talk to please private message me and I'd love to talk! Also, what do guys wanna read next? Am running out of ideas so.....comment maybe??


You couldn't stop staring at your ring.

Growing up, you had always dreamt about how you thought your future husband would propose to you, but Chris had gone above and beyond all of your wildest fantasies. Everything from the location, to the ambiance, to the ring he had chosen and the words he had used had been absolutely perfect, and you had been a right, blubbering mess for hours afterward.

You weren't usually one to be superficial about things like jewellery; in the entire time you had been dating Chris, he learned very quickly that the way to your heart was not through shiny diamonds and precious jewels. You preferred the more personal gifts, something that you knew he had spent a lot of time planning and picking out because it reminded him or you or it meant something special to both of you.

But this ring...oh man, this ring. It was beyond every expectation and vision that you could had ever dreamt up. He had done well; very, very well.

You were scared to even think about how much it had cost him, and he wasn't about to tell you. Chris had been known to go overboard on spending from time to time, especially on you. You always told him that it wasn't necessary and you wouldn't love him any less if he didn't spoil you, but Chris was generally so frugal with his money – even though he had it in spades – that the idea of spending a little extra on his girl every once in a while didn't faze him too much. The one thing you did know about the ring was that it had definitely cost and arm and a leg. You didn't know too much about jewellery, but you were able to do a bit of research and come up with a ballpark figure of how much it may have been.

For that reason, you guarded that ring with your life. Not that you wouldn't have if it were less expensive, but the idea of potentially losing something like that terrified you. Chris didn't typically freak out over stuff, but one time you had seen him completely lose his mind when he thought he had lost one of his watches. He practically tore the hotel room apart until he found it; you had never seen him so flustered.

You knew how much that watch had cost – you were the one who had bought it for him. The ring had likely cost more; you were not about to lose it.

You and Chris hadn't really planned on having an engagement party of sorts, but you ended up having a get together with about a dozen family and friends a few weeks after you got engaged. It was a fairly simple affair; a barbecue, some drinks and snacks, a pool for people to swim in if they so desired, and just an all-around good time with friends, relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

Since the engagement was still pretty new, you noticed that Chris was having a hard time keeping his eyes (and hands) off of you. Even when the two of you were deep in conversations with other people, you would never be too far from each other. Every so often, when there was a lull, you would glance over to see Chris looking back at you; the smile in his eyes soft and loving, as if he still couldn't believe that you had actually said yes.

His co-stars had come to the party as well. They also seemed to be the only ones over the age of 12 that had chosen to use the pool. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't convince Chris to join them and you wondered if that was Chris's subtle way of trying to appear more mature now that he was an engaged man.

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