Cooking Catastrophe

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"Uh, Y/N, are you... are you sure this is going to work?"

"Yeah. I'm like 75% sure this won't explode on us."

"What happened to the other 25%?" Steve asked as he looked away from the oven with a frown.

"Eh, don't worry about it." Y/N said waving a hand dismissively.

"I'm starting to think letting you in the kitchen wasn't a very good idea."

"Oh hush." Y/N said nudging him before standing up straight.

"You have made this before, right?" he asked as he stood up as well.

"Well, I think..."

"You think?" Steve's eyebrows shot up.

"I may have made it on a drunken whim before."

"A drunken wh-... it's gunna explode." Steve moved to the other side of the kitchen.

"Oh stop." Y/N said lightly smacking his arm as he passed her. "It's gunna be awesome. You'll ask me to make it every night."

"It looks like it's 5,000 calories."

"You burn that in your sleep, don't you?" she asked. Steve chuckled and shook his head.

"No, believe it or not I don't." he said. Y/N chuckled and tossed a dish towel at his head. "Hey."

"Hey yourself, help me with the dishes." She said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." He said with a salute before going over to the dishes that were drying in the dish rack. Steve put away the dishes as Y/N washed the rest that were in the sink. He finished before she was done, he left the freshly washed dishes in the rack to drip, and wrapped his arms around her from behind and put his chin on her shoulder. "Hey there."

"Hey there." Y/N smiled at him before kissing his nose. He grinned and nuzzled his face against her neck.

"How much longer is our science experiment going to cook for?" Steve asked with a laugh. Y/N rolled her eyes as she shook her head.

"About 20 more minutes." She said.

"Ah, just enough for cuddle time." He said picking her up with one arm.

"Steve, I'm not done with the dishes!" Y/N squeaked with a laugh. He turned off the water with his free hand, grabbing a towel for her hands along the way, before bringing her over to the couch in the attached living area. He let himself fall back onto the couch making Y/N let out a half laugh half scream. Steve wrapped his arms around her. "Steve."

"Nope, cuddle time." He said before nuzzling his face into her hair. "Why are you so comfortable?" he asked, his voice slightly muffled. Y/N slowly turned in his arms. He grinned down at her and pecked her on the lips. She giggled and pecked his lips back before snuggling into him. He hummed a chuckle as he secured his arms around her, holding the back of her head, his fingers playing with her hair. The two closed their eyes for only a moment.



"Do you smell something burning?" Y/N asked. Their eyes snapped open and they popped up off the couch. "Crap!"

"I got it!" Steve said grabbing the oven mitts. He opened the oven and Y/N started fanning the small amount of smoke that came out. Steve took out the glassware and put it on a towel on the counter. He fanned at the smoke. "What was the chance of it not exploding again?"

"It didn't explode, it's just... burnt." Y/N said with a sheepish chuckle.

"Hey, we can just scrape off the burnt parts, right?" he said with a smile.

"Yeah." She said with a nod.

"I bet it's gunna be great." He kissed her cheek with a smile.

"It better be; I put work into that." She said with a chuckle.

"And I can't wait to eat it." Steve said rubbing her back.

"Well now it's gotta cool for a lot longer." Y/N said making Steve laugh.

"Then in the meantime..." he trailed off before picking her up. "Cuddle time!" he brought them back to the couch as Y/N laughed.

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