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This's just smut. It's pure, unadulterated smut. I'm so sorry. Please look away if this makes you uncomfortable. Also I dedicated this chapter to  @TatathePotato because Tata is the most innocent potato which escaped from the sack! 

Btw, does anyone want a dedication for the next chapter? 

I think I need to go home and bathe in Holy Water... 


If there was one thing in your life that you couldn't complain about, it was your sex life with Chris.

Ever since the two of you had started being intimate, he had never disappointed. Sure, some nights were better than others. There were a few times where both of you were just so tired that getting to the end almost didn't seem to matter anymore when you were halfway through and neither of you could muster enough energy to keep it up. Most of the time though, having sex with Chris was intimate, exciting, passionate and sometimes very dirty.

The two of you had sat down to talk about the subject a few months into your relationship. You had been sleeping together since the third date but things were starting to get a bit more serious now and Chris wanted to know what he needed to do to keep you satisfied. You assured him that what he was already doing was more than enough but he insisted that he wanted to know what you liked. What positions were your favorite? What new things would you want to try? Did you like the idea of having sex in more open and public places? Were you into toys? He wanted to know exactly what his girl liked so he could give it to you as best he could. You, of course, reciprocated his question afterward and found out all sorts of interesting quirks and kinks that Chris had locked away in his mind.

Because of that conversation, your sex life had never been boring. If you were being honest, part of the reason for that was because both you and Chris had a pretty high sex drive. You didn't have sex once or twice a week; in the beginning of your relationship you sometimes had sex once or twice a day. This died off a bit when you got older and more mature – especially when kids came into the picture- but you still probably had sex more often than the average couple.

You and Chris had been together a long time; married for 20 years with three kids. Your oldest had just turned 18 and gone off to college, your middle one was 15 and your youngest was 12. You may have stopped trying for any more babies years ago, but you definitely hadn't stopped enjoying each other.

One night while you were lying in bed together, Chris rolled on to his back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Where do you reckon the weirdest place we've ever had sex is?"

You laughed, placing your book down on your chest.

"Where is this question coming from?"

"M'just wonderin'. You know, we've been together a long time and I'd say we're pretty good at the physical aspect of our relationship. We've travelled a lot; been a lot of places, had sex in most of those places – especially when we were a bit younger – where d'you think the weirdest place was?"

You pursed your lips, thinking about it. It was true that in the earlier days of your relationship when Chris was travelling a lot, the two of you had to find a way to make do with whatever location you happened to be in. But there were so many stories and memories that you weren't sure you could pick just one.

"I don't know," you finally answered, "I could probably make you a list."

Chris cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah? A list, hey? Why don't you do that then."

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