Unknown Powers

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Ayeon's P. O. V.
When work was over, I waited outside for Jin. I had to know what the dream last night meant. Did that happen before? Or was it something that was going to happen? The dream felt familiar like a memory or something. Maybe that was why I felt like I knew Jin. Maybe I actually knew him. But, how come he doesn't remember me? Did he lose his memory too? None of it made sense to me. 

"Ayeon, were you waiting for me?" Jin asked suddenly. I stood up from where I was sitting and smiled.

"I wanted to talk to you," I said, "I can't talk about it here. Come with me."

I grabbed Jin's arm and took him to the park where my dream took place. Now that I was there, it did feel a bit familiar. 

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Jin asked sitting down on a bench. I took a deep breath and sat down next to him. I was starting to think whether I should tell him about the dream. He would probably think I was weird. I did dream about him. 

"Never mind, I'll see you tomorrow," I said standing up. I was going to walk away until Jin grabbed my arm. I was shocked when he did that. My heart started to pound for some reason.

"Why did you wait outside for me if you had nothing to say?" Jin questioned. 

"I-I just thought about it and it's not important. Just forget about it." I tried to shake his arm off but, he wouldn't let go.

"Just tell me. We didn't come all this way for you to change your mind." He was right about that. I still couldn't tell him about the dream but, I could ask about what happened in the dream. Jin didn't have to know that she dreamt something about him. 

"Do you, by any chance, remember me before you saved me?" I asked shyly.

Jin looked confused and I was starting to regret asking that question. "I'm not sure. You do seem familiar but, I'm not sure why," He explained.

"That's how I feel! Its like we met before or something."

We both stood there and thought about it. I couldn't figure it out. That dream only confused me even more. That's when I noticed that the sun was setting. "It's getting late. Let's talk about this tomorrow on my day off," Jin said with a sigh, "I'll walk you home."

I nodded and we made our way to my home. The whole way there, we didn't say a word. We were both quiet. We finally got to my place and said our goodbyes. When I went inside Junho was home. He stood up as soon as he saw me.

"Ayeon, welcome home," He said, "There's actually something I want to tell you."

I sat down across from him and he sat down also. "What is it?" I questioned.

"It's about you and Jin," He started, "You lost your memories because of reasons I can't tell you yet. But, Jin also lost his memories because you have the power to erase them."

"So are you saying, I erased his memory?" I asked. It was shocking to hear that. How could I do something like that? I was only a person.

"Yes, once your memory returns, you will have the ability to return his memory's to him. All you have to do is remember," Junho explained.

So, Jin and I knew each other before. We just didn't remember. That also meant the the dream I had wasnt a dream but,  a memory. That meant I was slowly remembering things. I just had to remember it all and I could help Jin remember. That was a plan.

"I'm tired now, so goodnight, little brother," I said smiling at him and going to my room.

I got ready for bed and then got into bed. I immediately grew sleepy and I closed my eyes. I was soon asleep.

I was watching the humans interact as usual,when I came across something called a concert. It was something many humans enjoy as entertainment, so I decided to see it for myself. There was a concert that took place today that really interested me. I had to see it first hand and not from above. I snuck into the concert and I ended up backstage. There were people running around getting things ready as I walked through. I suddenly bumped into something and fell to the ground. "Sorry, I didn't see you," I heard a man say. I looked up to see a handsome man and he held his hand out to help me up. I took his hand and I was standing on my feet. He smiled at me causing my heart to pound hard in my chest. I've seen something like this before. When humans' hearts beat fast and they're nervous, it means they love someone. Was that what was happening to me?
"Are you supposed to be back here?" He asked.
I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes... I have a backstage pass," I said showing the pass I found. He looked at it for a minute and suddenly, someone came up to him. "Jin hyung, we have to go," He said to him.
He glanced at me one last time and followed the other guy. I stood there with a big smile on my face. "So his name is Jin," I said to myself as I went back home.

Third person P.O.V.

Junho went back home to the other angels. When he got there, his father was waiting for him. 

"Junho, how is your new job?" He asked. Junho suddenly got nervous. He was hoping that his father didn't know about him helping Ayeon get her memories back. 

"Oh, watching the humans is a piece of cake!" Junho said, trying to sound as cheerful as he could. His father nodded and Junho was about to leave until he was stopped.

"Make sure you keep an eye out for Ayeon. Who knows what kind of trouble she'll cause down on earth," His father said as he left. Junho sighed in relief. He was glad that his father didn't know about him helping her cause trouble. This meant now he had to be more careful of what Ayeon does. 

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