"Oh Kat! I forgot!" I say smirking cheekily. I look at Jack from the corner of my eye. "Jack has the hots for you." I say. Jack's laughter ceases immediately as he runs his head and glares at me. "Ooh!"Rian and Zack coo. Poor Kathryn is sitting directly in front of Jack and right in between Zack and Rian. "I do not!" Jack shouts, slamming his hands on the table. His cheeks are nearly as pink as Kathryn's. "Alright, Jack! Calm down princess! You're nearly as red as Kathryn's hair!" Zack laughs. Jack scrunched up his nose in frustration and flips Zack off, causing us all to laugh more.

The bell rings throughout the cafeteria and everyone stands up. Kathryn is still a little flustered. I grab her arm before she can disappear into the crowd. "Hey, you alright?" I say, more seriously. She nods, flashing me her cheerful grin. "We were only kidding. Jack's just an idiot, that's all." Rian says, standing next to me. Kat smiles a little more and nods. "I know. He seems nice." she says.

Out if nowhere, Jack comes crashing down on Kat from behind. She lets out a little yelp before their books are scattered across the floor. "Sorry!" Jack cries out, scrambling to his knees to clear up his books once more, Kathryn does the same. "Jack, watch where you're going!" I say, helping Kathryn up as Rian collects her books for her. Zack stands there laughing. "You guys treat the poor girl like a princess." he says. Kat blushes a little. Rian laughs and hands Kathryn her books. "He's right, Alex." he says. Jack stands up with his books. "We found a new princess. Sorry, Jack." He says. Jack shoves him a little and looks back to Kathryn. "Sorry, Little Red. I uh... I didn't see where I was going" He apologizes. She smiles a little, her sweet little smile lighting up our circle. "It's okay. I'm fine." She reassures him. She's so optimistic and willing to help others first. "C'mon. Lets get to class, guys." Zack says, ushering us all out finally. Jack sneaks a final glimpse at Kathryn, who smiles and mouths to him, "I'm fine."

I honestly think there's something between those two.

Jack walks with me between classes until we head home. Today, Kathryn is not late for the bus, so we all climb on and take the bus home. I decide to take Kathryn home before I head to band practice with the boys, just to make sure she gets home okay. Kat sits with her headphones in before I tug them out. "Hey, you." I say to her. She looks up with her big brown eyes. "What?" She responds rather innocently. Jack chuckles at her as he turns around in his seat to face Kathryn again. "I was expecting some creepy emo girl but you're not what I expected, Little Red." Jack says with his big grin on his face. Kathryn smile and I nod. "She destroys all stereotypes." I say and she rolls her eyes. I examine the way Jack looks at her. That little awkward smile. A twinkle in his eye. Light pink cheeks.

The bus stops at our stop. Kathryn and I climb off the bus and begin walking home. I make sure to keep an extra close eye on Kathryn today. I don't want a repeat of yesterday. "Have a good day?" I ask her. She grins widely and nods at me, pulling her back up and over her shoulders. "Jack seems nice. Rian is really nice too." she says, kicking a stone along the sidewalk. I smile at her. I'm glad she's liking the guys. "That's good. I'm glad you like it, Kat." I say, pulling my little cousin in for a hug. "You're so cute." I chuckle when she lets out a surprised little yelp as a response to my sudden embrace. She smiles and hugs me back and we continue walking.

"Alex?" She says, breaking the short but peaceful silence.

"Kathryn?" I reply.

"Can I ask you something?"

"I don't know, can you?" She's obviously amused by me being a smart ass.

"What happened last night?"

I go silent.

"Alex?" she repeats. I shake my head and look away, not wanting to talk about it. "I-It was nothing." I mumble. She cocks her head to the side, trying to see my face again. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me. I understand." She says sweetly.

I honestly appreciate how sympathetic and understanding Kathryn can be. It actually reminds me of Jack. He can be like that when he wants and needs to be. It's really rare so nobody really sees that side of Jack.

I shake my head. "It's nothing. Sometimes I have anxiety attacks...like last night and when I lost you the other day." I explain quickly. Kat looks up at me, and I don't dare to make eye contact. It's something I keep private. Only the boys know about it. "Alex... Oh my gosh Alex, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to..." She apologizes, obviously guilty. I rub her shoulder comfortingly. "It's okay Kathryn. It wasn't a serious one. Not like last night." I say. She nods and tightens her grip around my waist.

Although I've only known her a few weeks, Kathryn is someone I trust more than anyone. She's like a little sister to me, and being her older cousin, I feel like it's my responsibility to look out for her. Especially since she doesn't know anyone else, and trouble comes easily here in Baltimore. I'd hate for her to get wrapped up in too much.

"Alex?" she says softly. "What triggered it last night?"

I sort of zone out for a moment, debating on whether to tell her the full story. "Th-That song... I should've showed you another... it's just... when I wrote that something had happened... and someone sort of-" I find myself stuttering and stammering nervously when Kathryn cuts me off. "It's alright, Alex. You don't have to." She says softly. I take a shaky breath and hug her closer to me. "Thank you, Kathryn." I whisper. She digs her head into my side a little, the way I've seen her do with her pillow at night.

We don't say a word the rest of the way home.

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