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So i dont have a alarm clock.

1 too annoying

2 i never wake up to them

3 i already normally wake up on my own.

No matter what time i got to sleep at night, i'll wake up around 6

Thing is, today i woke up at like 5:53 or something

So i grabbed my phone and checked notifications then j thought i heard my dad wake up for work

So i pretended to sleep with ny phone under my pillow... And actually fall asleep.

I dont remember what dream at this point i had but i woke up at 7:27.

3 minutes before the bus.

So i ran up, put on jeans since i was already wearing a shirt i could go out in, fed the fucking cats and fish, grabbed my laptop and shoved it into its bag, grabbed my book bag and laptop and booked it.

Oh and i also pulled my hair back into its ponytail *great things of ponytails*

So I made it and now im on the fucking bus.

*elephant noises* (randomz buk 4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon