Dog sim online

30 3 10

Me WhirlnMeadow and Brainexe13 got this game after wolf quest kinda failed us.

I think i've been playing a lot and i'm playing as husks :3 i got to be a husky after a while.

So i normally play online and i stumbled upon this weird chat a few minutes ago...

Normally when i play i die so i can play the game without it crashing so thats why That_Brave_Tracer and NEXUSreligion the rp paused...for like a hour. And js gonna again soon

Anyway so it had one person yelling about this other person raping them. Actually it turned into a argument of who was raping who

Anyway then they said irl at one point in the same sentance as rape and i got really concern.

Then this one person kept yelling "I LOVE HUSKS" but they misspelled like a million times cause the keyboard in that game sucks.

All i did was "why do you love me" and " *-c* "

Idefk why

Anyway so uh yeah i left that game

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