BTS V : Spring Day pt.2

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Warning: This one-shot has blood and death in it. Just a precaution if you wouldn't like it.

"Thanks for helping me out Chorong, I really owe you" V said. "No, it's alright" Chorong said with a smile. "Do you wanna hangout sometime?" V asked. "That would be nice" Chorong said.

They became best friends, always took care of each other, always looking out for each other, until one of them fell in love with the other. Chorong fell madly in love with V, and when I mean mad, I really mean crazy.

"V, I want to confess something to you" Chorong spoke as she stared at her feet while speaking to you. "What is it?" V asked, "You're such a great best friend, you were always there for me, you were such a great friend. I like you V, like really really like you" Chorong confessed to V.

V scratched the back of his neck and sighed. "I think it's really sweet of you to like me but Cho, I love someone else". Chorong flexed her jaw "you mean that girl you keep stalking?" she said trying to hide the jealousy and anger in her tone.

V walked away, Chorong didn't cry, she watched him walk away from her until he was out of sight. "Bad move V, really bad move" Chorong said with a smirk on her face. "You really shouldn't have said that" Chorong walked away as well with a plan in her head.

"Ms. Chorong, you need your pills" said her butler. "Forget it, I'm fine, throw those away" Chorong snapped at him. "Ms. Chorong, the doctor said you need to take this" her butler insisted. "I said no, forget it, now get that out of my sight" Chorong was getting mad and the butler did as told.

Chorong walked to the kitchen and pulled out the medium sized knife from the drawer. "Ms. Chorong, what are you doing?" the butler panicked. "I need to get rid of something" Chorong said with a smirk the butler couldn't see. "Ms. Chorong, may I remind you, you just left the hospital a month ago. We can't have you go back there so quickly" her butler said.

"I won't go back if they can't find me" she answered while putting the knife in her bag. "Now if you excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be" she said and left the house. She ran to the girl V's been stalking. Chorong found her sitting alone in the park on a bench by the lake.

Chorong put on her black coat and put the hood on. She took out the knife and creeped up on the girl. Once she was right behind the girl, Chorong stabbed her back and pulled the knife out after 5 seconds. "W-why?" the girl's stomach was bleeding endlessly. "Because you got in the way of me and V" Chorong spoke then kicked the girl into the lake.

Chorong smirked and left the park with satisfaction in her.

Little did she know, V witnessed the murder but couldn't see who killed the girl. He was too far so saving the girl would be impossible. She'd be dead by the time he'd get to her. V called the police and told them everything, everything except things about the culprit that he didn't see.

V asked if he could visit Chorong's house and she gladly let him come over.

"Your place is cool" V said. "Thanks" Chorong answered. Chorong let V look around but when his eyes landed on a black coat on her coat's rack, she immediately pulled it and threw it away. She was too slow and V was able to recognize the coat, but he wouldn't believe it himself.

V found a bag under where the black coat was and opened it, there, he found the knife Chorong used to stab the girl.

"You!" V pointed at Chorong "You killed her! You knew I loved her!" he yelled. Chorong sighed in defeat. She picked up the bag and took out the knife. She started tracing the knife with her finger and spoke "you know V, it always starts with stalking, then obsession. Obsession always leads to killing, so V, I saved you the trouble and killed her myself".

"You're crazy!" V yelled and ran out of Chorong's house. The first thought he had would be to report it to the police but he had no evidence and she could have destroyed it when he left.

V got rid of Chorong in his life and tried his best to forget everything. Little did he know, Chorong was always stalking him.

Pum Pum Puuuummmm

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