Chapter 9

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Chorong sighed "maybe we can just break the curse by going for online dating?" she asked so they wouldn't have to go through the trouble of fighting a warlock.

"Yeah, okay. We'll do that, then we leave your friends to rot there and I can go back to living my life before you came, problem solved!" said Yoongi with sarcasm written all over his tone.

Chorong sighed "you have a point" "besides, online dating isn't reliable. Before you know it, you could be dating a freakshow of a guy" said Yoongi and he smirked at the end. Chorong rolled her eyes "what do you know? You probably just sulk around the place sharpening your knives". "You don't know anything about me, but I don't care" said Yoongi as he looked around his place for weapons.

"What are you? What do you do?" Chorong asked, trying to sound as nice as she can to the mean guy. "I hunt monsters, but there are barely any here in this town, so I just take my time killing them" he answered. "What about you? How many boyfriends have you had?" he asked with a mocking smile.

"Just one, and I'm just a girl that got cursed by her ex boyfriend" Chorong answered. "Okay.... So we need to to go now or we'll never save them so carry this with you" Yoongi handed her a knife with odd carvings on it. "It kills enigmas and so many more monsters" he said and carried his bag.

"So, you're his ex, where is his hideout?" Yoongi asked and Chorong sighed "I'll show you".

Chorong rode behind Yoongi on his motorcycle, her arms around his waist with her chin on his right shoulder. Without knowing, she ended up smelling his shirt. He smells like mint, what the- Chorong! Snap out of it! She scolded herself. "Over there" she pointed with one hand as the other still was around his waist.

Yoongi nodded and went to where she was pointing. They parked in front of an abandoned building and Yoongi sighed "lead the way" he told her and she nodded then walked right in.

Everything was dark, no surprise since it was already late, Chorong felt scared to walk around. It had been 2 years since she's been here and she didn't like how scary it looks after he cursed her. "Man this place is creepy" she said and when she bumped into a wall she gasped and screamed. Yoongi appeared behind her making her gasp again "well, you have a weak heart, no wonder he cursed it" he said and Chorong glared at him. "I'm just kidding, come on" he said while bringing out a flashlight.

Chorong grabbed his arm "what are you doing?" he asked. "Hey, I'm a girl, you shouldn't be surprised why I'm scared and going with the only other human being I see" she said with another glare at him. "Whatever, hold my hand, you're too close if you're grabbing my arm" he said and Chorong obeyed.

"Well, well, well, didn't anyone tell you that coming to someone's house without knocking is rude?" Chorong recognized the voice, it was Suho.

"We would've knocked if we knew it was a person staying in here" Yoongi said staying alert. "I guess you two look close, have you finally broken the curse?" Suho asked. "If we broke the curse we wouldn't have to come here to make you take it back" Chorong growled.

"Okay now you two are making me sound like an idiot"

"Because you are! You're an idiot for cursing me!" Chorong yelled wanting to cry in that place but didn't want to look weak in front of both of them.

"Did you come for them?" Suho asked and a cage with Bomi, Jungkook, and Jin inside trying to break out. "Bomi!" Chorong yelled. "Chorong! There's a reason why he cursed you! Its-" but before Bomi could finish, the cage disappeared. "YAH! Suho! Let them go!" Chorong yelled.

"Break the curse or fight me?" he asked them. "Fight you!" Yoongi and Chorong yelled.

Bomi suddenly appeared "UNNIE! KISS HI-" but Suho made her disappear and reappear beside him unconscious.

Chorong was boiling with anger, she grabbed a knife on Yoongi's pants, and ran towards Suho about to stab him but he disappeared and Chorong fell on her knees.

"BREAK THE CURSE! Don't fight me Chorong" Suho said with a strict voice.

"Why did you even curse me in the first place?" Chorong cried on her knees facing away from Suho. Yoongi didn't want to interrupt her and Suho's civilized conversation.

Suho sighed "break the curse Chorong, don't fight me". "YOU PUT UP THE FIGHT YOURSELF BY CURSING ME!" she yelled at him and ran to him with the knife again. Yoongi grabbed her "Chorong calm do-" "LET GO OF ME!" she yelled at him but when her gaze met his, she calmed down and sighed.

"I never cheated on you Suho" Chorong spoke "yet you broke up with me, and what's worse is you cursed me. People think I have a heart disease now and-" "does your chest still hurt when you're with him?" Suho interrupted Chorong with his question. "No, why?" Chorong asked the realized what he meant.

Suho sighed "the reason to why I cursed you is-"

To Be Continued...

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