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"Hey Chorong!" Jungkook called out to Chorong. "Waddup Jungkook?" She said casually to the boy. "Are you and Yoongi hyung dating already?" He asked her eager for her answer. Suddenly, Chorong felt awkward "after the entire saving me from the curse thing, he runs away from me really quickly, It's odd" she answered.

Jungkook nodded "Bomi noona was asking and she said if you said No, she'll hunt him down and push the curse on him". Chorong's eyes widened "Bomi sure is scary". Jungkook nodded agreeing with her "anyway, thanks for telling me" he said and ran away. Chorong stood frozen and sighed "he may have broken the curse but he probably doesn't care anymore about me" he muttered under her breath.

Chorong began walking to the shed she had met him after he saved them from the flying monsters. His bike was there meaning he was there too. Chorong breathed heavily to calm herself before she goes in to meet him and talk to him again.

Chorong knocked on the shed door and waited for a response. The door opened revealing Yoongi, he froze in the sight of her. "Hey Chorong, do you need anything?" he said while staring at his feet. "I just wanted to talk to you for a while, you've been avoiding me ever since, you know" Chorong said.

"I've just been even more busy lately and I'm just-" Yoongi tried to make an excuse but sighed in defeat "fine you got me, I just got awkward with you because I'm not very good at handling girls". Chorong nodded "I get that but, avoiding it isn't the answer". "I know but you kinda stole my first kiss" he said bashfully.

Chorong chuckled silently "I gave away my first kiss as well Yoongi, but I'm glad I gave it to someone who would never break my heart". Yoongi scratched his nape nervously "I thought you just kissed me to break the curse". Chorong nodded "I did" Yoongi looked disappointed "and also because your lips were looking dry then". She giggled at the end of her sentence.

Yoongi also chuckled and said "I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you, I just didn't gather up enough courage to walk up to you, I tried but always failed". "You don't have to walk up to me, because I can be the one to do that" Chorong said and landed her hand on his shoulder.

Yoongi took her hand and said "can we start over?". "We can forget all about me having a curse if that's what you want Yoongi, I'm fine with it" Chorong said and Yoongi nodded.

Little did they know, Jungkook, Jin, and Bomi were in the opposite building to them watching them. "I told you this would work Jin!" Bomi said as she punched Jin's broad shoulders. "No you didn't, you were the one against all of this" Jin defended himself.

"Shhh you two, look how close those two are getting" said Jungkook while holding his binoculars to his eyes. Jin and Bomi also took a look and started fangirling. "I'm so proud of my Unnie, I want to cry" Bomi said.

Jungkook kept his eyes on them and when their faces were getting closer Jungkook said "LOOK LOOK LOOK!". Yoongi and Chorong's faces got closer but when Yoongi's chin landed on Chorong's shoulder, he took out his gun and fired it at the window next to Jungkook.

Jungkook flinched "guys, let's leave them alone before Yoongi hyung shoots us all". Bomi and Jin nodded and left the building.

"What did you shoot?" Chorong asked Yoongi. Yoongi smirked "I saw something that wasn't supposed to be there, nevermind it".

Chorong giggled and Yoongi cupped her cheek. "There's something on your lips" Yoongi said, Chorong touched her lips with her finger "what is it?". Yoongi smirked "my lips" and he kissed her without any hesitations.

Okay, just an epilogue guys :) I hope you liked it.

Have another SugaRong pic I edited:

Have another SugaRong pic I edited:

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