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"So the flowers are Armani," Kimberly said. "He practically begged me to wear his dress for the charity event."

I was getting sick of Kimberly's gloating when I caught the sight of Jeremy gesturing me over to him. I still hadn't forgiven him since our disastrous dinner with none other than Christian but I needed saving in this moment than any other. Kimberly was going on and on about the party since it started and it seemed I was her only consistent audience. Every time I tried ditching someone else would, then I'd have to wait a little longer until it was time I could ditch without Kimberly feeling like no one was respecting the editor-in-chief.

I nodded and 'mmm-ed' when Jeremy came over. "Excuse me Kimberly, mind if I cut in and drag Madison away. Her assistant needs her."

"Well, I hope everyone is focusing on the charity event instead of work for the magazine," she replied.

"Oh of course," Jeremy nodded. "It's just, uhh..."

"...I think it's that article she was assisting me with the research specifically for this event. Isn't that right, Jeremy?"

He smiled. "Yeah, the article. Fabulous by the way."

"Oh thank you."

Kimberly rolled her eyes. "Very well. Make it quick and then get your head back into greeting our guests." She leaned in. "We need a lot of donations, the kind that make the papers."

Jeremy and I giggled. "Yes," I said.

We backed away and turned around. "Got it, Mugsy!" Jeremy whispered, making the both of us laugh. My laugh faded when I realised I was hanging around Jeremy and it started to get awkward.

"Uhh, thanks for saving me back there."

"Yeah, I was worried I was going to have to pull out the scalpel and surgically remove you."

I chuckled. "I would've settled for a hazardous chainsaw."

Jeremy lifted a brow. "So it was a Saw movie moment."

"I think even they had it better than me. Kimberly was getting a little too high on her horse."

"Yeah, I think it's the side effects of trying to run a good show. You act like you're on a high when you really not—" he lowered his head and rubbed the back of his neck— "and then some people can even make a total ass of themselves and abuse a friendship."

I tilted my head. "Jeremy..."

"I know there's no excuse for how I acted, by I know I haven't apologised either. Mostly because I was trying to convince myself that I was in the right this whole time when really I was just angry."

"You don't have to..." I shook my head.

"No, I do." he took my hand and then dropped it immediately after, almost as if it was an involuntary reaction. "I really do."

I smiled. "I forgive you. And thank you."

"You're welcome."

"So, having a fun time mingling?" I asked as we walked together.

Jeremy chuckled. "Yeah, ecstatic."

"I think you have a few admirers."

"What?" he looked in my line of sight to find a girl in a little black dress. She almost looked too young though, but that could be a deceitful baby face. "Oh, I don't know."

"Why not?"

"I..." he breathed in and then sighed, chuckling. "I'm not into—"

"—girls? Oh I didn't know. I—"

"—no, no you idiot," he laughed.

"Oh," I turned red, laughing with him. "Sorry."

He shook his head. "It's fine. I'm just, I sort of like someone else."

"Oh? Why don't you go after her?"

Whispers rumbled to the high ceilings; guests and hosts alike pointed and leaned into each other to speak lowly of the man that walked in, tailing with him henchman and women.

"Christian," I muttered.

And from behind me, Jeremy mumbled disappointedly almost too low for me to hear, "Because she's already taken."

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