Hey guys!!!

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How is everyone!!! I have been doing great for me there is about 9 days of school left. Then I will be officially done with 10th grade. I'm super excited for next school year!!! Now some people might not say that but I just can't wait. I will be able to go to prom if someone asks me. My little/favorite/only brother will be joining me at the high school. I will hopefully be driving by then. Which I'm excited and nervous for cause I still really don't know if I like driving or not. 😂😫😂 I also might be getting a new job. I work at subway right now. Don't get me wrong I love working there but I just can't handle doing it anymore. I have been there for almost a year and I just got a raise!!! I went from making $7.25 to $8 per hour. But that's my life for you!!

I just want to give a big thanks to everyone who is reading this book and has helped me with it in someway!!!!

I usually start stories but then get bored of them and can't think of anything to write down in it. For me this is one of the best I have wrote, so thanks so much for reading this story.

I have been thinking about the future of this book. Now who knows if this book will be good enough for a sequel or not. But when this book comes to an end don't be afraid to ask for one!!!

If your waiting for me to update and you like my writing don't forget to check out my other book/s.

To you guys I'm going to be starting a new book called "Table For Two" which by the way I'm super excited for this book!!!! I will start uploading chapters for that book, when I finish "Even If You Don't Remember Us"

Here is the info for "Table For Two" just to get you guys excited about it!!!

The waitress came by to my table and told me that the gentleman over paid for my meal.

I looked in the direction she was pointing to, and I see this guy who is getting wasted and looks like he is ready to pounce on a sexy brunette next to him. Of course all the stupid ones like me.

I wave to the waitress. "Is everything ok?" Asks the waitress.

"Here." I said handing her a twenty because all I had was an appetizer and a water. "Keep the change, and give the guy back his money."

She nods and walks away. I gather up my stuff and then walk outside. I'm almost by my car and someone taps my shoulder. I turn around. And there was this guy and he wasn't the one I seen wasted. He was different.

"Why did I get my money back?" He asked I looked him dumbfounded

"I..I.." I stuttered. He looked so perfect but yet there was a mystery in his eyes.

He hands me this slip of paper. "Next time I will be paying." He smiled and then walked away.

I looked down at the piece of paper and there was his number.

I didn't even know his name and I could tell he was the one, the one to complete me. 


Chloe Johnston had been through many relationships but they always ended up the same way. They all cheated on her. Her mind and heart says he is the one but will he be or will he be just like the rest of them.

Find out in "Table For Two"

So what did you guys think of that. I hope that gets you excited for my next book!!!

So chapters like these might bug you cause it's just me talking to you and not an actual chapter of the book. Well I will usually do this if I have a lot of information to tell you about a book I'm writing or any upcoming books. So sorry but you will just have to deal with it if you don't like it.

I really want to get the votes and comments up on this story. In this book I have 185 reads so far and I want to get up to 185 votes and comments and I know you guys can to do it!!!! I love all the support and feedback I get from you guys!!!!

I know there is spelling and grammar errors in here. But don't worry. After awhile when I can't think of anything to write I will be doing edited versions on my stories. But if you guys would want that then comment Yes on this section!! If I do this edited version of this story I think I will submit it in to the warty awards.

Please don't forget to comment and vote on any chapters that you haven't already!!! It means a lot to me!!


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