Chapter 3

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Ring, ring

Ah the bell, a sweet sound especially when it meant to the end of class. I was grabbing my stuff when my teacher called me over.

"What do you need, Mrs. Bottner?"

"You got a message." She said as she handed me a piece of paper.

I nodded and I walked out of class. As soon as I was out of the classroom, I looked at the note.

To Sophie,
-Tanner is picking you up.

Oh great, well I guess it can't be that bad he doesn't know yet, and I would like to keep it that way.

"Sophie, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, but you can go ahead. Tanner is picking me up."

"Well why didn't you tell me?"

"I just found out my self. If I had known sooner I would have told you."

She nodded and looked at my tiny baby bump. "What are you hoping for, like gender wise? "

I just shrugged. I really don't know what I want it was just to hard. I wanted a boy as like an older brother. So then maybe the baby can have a relationship like me and Tanner, or me and Caleb, or Tanner and Caleb. But a girl would be nice to, but I honestly didn't really know, and who knows what Zach would want when he finds out, if he doesn't ditch me because of the baby.

"Well, I got to go. But promise me that you will tell me the gender, if and when you find out."

"Of course, the baby's aunt will always know only because the baby's aunt is the only one that knows." I winked

"Really, I'm the baby's aunt!?!" She said

"Of course, because nobody else knows and your like the sister I never had."

"Thanks Sophie, I'm honored. Well I will see you guys tomorrow."

I said my goodbyes and we went our separate ways. As I walked out of the school I seen a bright red corvette sitting out in the front, which was super close. There was Tanner sitting on the hood like he was waiting for his girlfriend or someone super special.

"You know there aren't any cameras around, so why act like you are being filmed!" I chuckled

"Oh, just get in the car."

I got into the car still laughing. I couldn't help it he just look so adorable posing. I kept laughing until something jabbed me in the side.

"Hey what was that for!" I said as I shot a look at Tanner.

"Well it was the only way I could get you to stop laughing." He said while putting the car into drive.

"But, but!" I stuttered as I was at a loss for words.

"Look we got to talk."

Oh boy I really knew it wasn't about me being pregnant, because my bump wasn't that big, and Macy was the only one that knew. Though there was still a part of me that thought he knew.

"Ok, go on."

"Look I know..." he started

"Know what?!?" I questioned before he could even finish.

"I know why you left, before lunch."


"I get it, I did that to. I skipped lunch because I was nervous and didn't feel like I belonged." He stated

Ok, well I wasn't expecting that but I guess that is my only option.

"Yeah, I was super nervous, that's why I covered it up in the text I sent. I just didn't want you t laugh at me."

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