we have to

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You sent your wolves to attack the Sakamaki brothers but you retreated when you sensed Yui

Reiji: to think we got attacked this close to the eclipse it's probably......

Subaru: do you know something?

Shuu: our ancestors that survived

Laito: ancestors?

Reiji: if I'm not mistaken there are three of them

Kanato: just what is there objective!?

Subaru: it's not us?

Reiji: if they didn't come for us it means they had another primary objective

Laito: an other perhaps it's

Ayato: pancake!?

Time skip

Tara: once the night is over your blood will be mine just wait Yui I'll grant your sisters wish

Yui: Y/n!!

She dropped the tray of water and looked out the window

Yui: Ayato was she with you!?

Ayato: what no I thought she was here

Yui: she's out there

Riku: what would Tara even be doing out there?

Yui: T-Tara that's what she's doing out there Y/n is in serious trouble

Ayato: what's the deal? who's Tara?

Yui: when we were younger Y/n always has this voice in her head named Tara mother always told her it was her imagination until one day she was different her eyes were red and she was acting cruel she seemed to be connected with my mother I learned that she used  to be a vampire that was nearly killed at a very weak state but she was saved by her brothers they day Y/n was born she's been in side her ever since

Riku: if you are talking about who I think this  would be a problem for you and your sister

After a whole freaking explanation

Yui: so the ancestors did this?

Riku: what's there objective?

Ayato: you pancake

Yui: me

Ayato: there after your blood

Yui: still why?

Ayato: I have no idea don't ask me

Riku: if these ancestors really are after your blood they could arrive at any time even when there power is at their maximum

Yui: that can't be I don't want to cause anymore trouble for anyone else if it's me that they want I won't have to get anyone else involved

Ayato: screw that what do you think you can accomplish by yourself!?

Yui: but!

Riku: unfortunately it's as he said if you were to leave by yourself those ancestors would kidnap you also

Ayato: what? 

Riku: during the eclipse a vampire strength decreases for pure blood ones like you it will affect you more

Ayato: so what are you saying?

Riku: we will have to join forces

Ayato: what?

Riku: it's to protect Eve from them

Ayato: can't be helped

Riku: are you ok with that?

Yui tilted her head a bit and blinked

Riku: I'm asking you what you want

You: yes

Ayato: but I'm telling you this I'm not letting you guys have her

He pulled Yui towards him with a glare

Ayato: do you understand pancake you belong to me

He pulled her closer and but into the center of her collarbone Riku furrowed his eyebrows and walked up to Yui

Riku: what you just said I'll say the same for you 

He grabbed her wrist and covered her eyes

Riku: your my only Eve

He bit into her neck making her wince

Riku: just feel my fangs

Ayato: I won't let anyone have you


You were on the edge of a cliff looking at the moon

Tara: are you ready my friend

You: yes

??: it is time brother

?: yes.... sister

Tara: let the vengeance begin

You: for all you founders

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