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The awakening would begin soon you all returned to the house you honestly felt happy to take full control you even messed around the place before you went with Cordelia and Richter after messing around with Laito Kanato came

Cordelia: you got another bear to keep Teddy company?

Tara: believe or not Cordelia that's mine

Kanato: that's not yours it's Y/n's

Cordelia: Y/n?

Tara: oh believe it or not bestie but your son has fallen love struck for a mortal werewolf

Cordelia: Kanato you've fallen in love with a silly mortal oh you make me laugh your so pathetic

You sat on the railing amused on what was happening

Cordelia: is this the best inertainment you could muster geeze you people are as stull as ever and you wanna know what the worst thing is your keeping me from being the vibrant woman I deserve to be Richter dispose of them immediately do it right now

She gave him Subaru's knife you smirked and let out a chuckle

Richter: let me see that that's Subaru's silver knife isn't it? this is highly lethal one stab through the heart and it's lights out for any of them

Cordelia: yes they would disinagrate instantly without any pain that only goes to show how very much I love them now dispose of them quickly and I would be more than happy to make you head of the family

Tara: it's your only chance Richter I suggest you take it

Richter: so if I kill them for you you swear you'll make me head of the family?

Cordelia: yes

Richter: well that's strange

Cordelia: huh?

Richter: I was under the impression that we already agreed upon that was it not one of the terms we discussed when I saved you when you laid dying? you solemnly swore that if I saved your ​life you would grant ultimate authority over this house to me

Cordelia: oh Richter you know I'd grant anything you desire my darling now dispose of those pesky boys do it for me won't you

Richter: you are a fool your useless to me like this nothing but damaged goods did you really think I want you in this condition the only thin I really need is your heart one I awaken the girl who possess your heart and make her mine I will become the next head of the family and I can do it without your assistance

Cordelia: you've been planning this from the very moment I entrusted you with my heart
tell me that's not true

Richter: oh dear did you only just realize your not the one using me I'm the one using you

He grabbed her wrist ready to bite her neck when he got interrupted

Ayato: hey I've had it with both of you could you just shut the hell up already get your paws off her you may not touch her without my say so

Richter pulled out a sword

Richter: don't you dare interfere

He cut Ayato's scarf or whatever he got hanging on his neck

Ayato: why you

Laito: hey Ayato

He tossed a sword twords him Ayato caught it

Ayato: your free ride is officially over Richter I will make you regret you​ ever step foot in this house

Richter: and what are you gonna do about it you gutless worm

They started slashing their swords together Ayato backs up into a wall and gets stabbed in the shoulder he bent down as Richter raised up his sword

Tara: hmm game over

Richter: stay right where you are

Yui: Ayato

He looked up seeing Yui's pink eyes she moved out of Richter's arm and ran down the stairs putting the knife to her chest

Tara: what is this feeling?

Yui: I'm doing this so no one else will get hurt

She sends the knife through her chest making your eyes turn back to normal with tears in them

You: Yui!!!!

You drop down from the railing and run twords her ignoring the pain from the fall and lift her up

You: Yui open your eyes you idiot!!!

Richter: urg her heart is mine!

He was about to strike but you sink your hand in his chest making him fall

You: Yui open your eyes already!!

She opened her eyes but they were green

Cordelia: only a foolish girl would stab herself such a stupid move it makes me laugh it's only a matter of time before the awakening is over and she's dead for good her body and soul will be mine and mine alone til the end of time

She closed her eyes again you growled with tears streaming down your face

Laito: why are you crying so hard?

You: because if you actually cared you'd at least act like your worried my sister just put a knife in her chest idiot!

You pull Yui close to you trying to stop crying

Laito: I can't believe she really stabbed herself it seems little bitch really does have guts

Shuu: she has caused alot of trouble for a girl who's meant to be bait

Kanato: what happens next will her body disappear?

You: Subaru what do I do? is it safe to pull the knife out

You put your hand on the knife but he stops you

Subaru: wait let me do it

He slowly pulls out the knife then you pick her up and put her on the couch

Kanato: it looks like she's getting whiter

Reiji: she could awaken at any time now

Ayato: there has to be a way to drive the old bitch out of her

You sat in front of her waiting​ for her to at least move until she did but it sounded like she was in deep pain

You: it looks like she's in alot of pain doesn't it?

Ayato: hey wake up

Subaru: what the hell is going on with her

Shuu: it's probably the awakening it looks to me it's already started

Kanato: I'm starting to worry no mortal woman has ever awaken with the power of a vampire right

Shuu: that's right because no other vessel to endure the prosses

Ayato: but it's different this time she has that woman's heart beating in her chest

That entire time you fell asleep holding Yui's hand for dear life until you woke up when you felt a tight feeling on your hand you look up and see Yui smiling down at you stroking your head

You: your really stupid Yui

Yui: huh?

You started tearing up with your head in her lap

You: you said you stand by me right so why did you do that? why Yui

Yui: I did say that what was I thinking

You: don't you ever do that again Yui!

She pulled you on the couch and hugged you

You: this time I mean it don't ever scare me like that again

You leaned up and looked at her

You: for the older sister you couldn't be any more stupid

You both held your throat realizing something

You&Yui: I'm thirsty I wonder why

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