its late

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It was dinner time and you were eating your food....after stabbing​ it a million times

You:[ Tara: it's getting late Y/n]

You get up from your seat about to leave when Yui caught your hand

Yui: why are you leaving so early Y/n?

You: it's getting late​ Yui

She let go of your hand hearing how lifeless you sounded keeping your back facing her

Yui: [ don't do anything stupid Tara]

You walk away almost lifelessly to your room

Tara: ah don't worry Yui Y/n will be back in the morning

She jumps out the window and lands swiftly on the ground

Tara: ah so much blood in one place it's making me hungrier

she ran into the forest killing every animal in sight

The next day

You wake up in your bed seeing the light shining through the window

You: hmm

You look and see Tedda laying in the bed beside you

You: it happened again?

Kanato: where were you last night?

You while your head to the side swing Kanato laying next to you

You: what are you doing here?

Kanato: answer​ my question first

You: I was out for a walk

Kanato: don't lie to me!

He grabbed your arm in a tight grip that was starting to hurt

Tara: let me go grape head!

Kanato: hmmm you​ smell different again who are you?

Tara: someone that wouldn't hesitate to take your head off now!

She pulls her arm away from him glaring at him with her red eyes

Tara: geese Y/n is this how you wake up every morning?

Kanato pinned her against the bed dropping Teddy beside him

Kanato: I'll make you tell me

He leaned down ready to bite you

You: Kanato stop please

He stopped and looked into your eyes seeing them e/c

You: please

He leaned and bit your shoulder sucking the blood then widen his eyes when he pulled away

Kanato: so sweet your blood is delicious

He licked your neck up to your cheek

You: Kanato please don't tell anybody about her especially Yui

Kanato: who is she?

Tara: sorry pretty boy she tells she dies so your not getting anything out her

Kanato: hmm and what if I tell everyone about you? what would you do then?

Tara: then I'll have to keep that mouth shut won't I?

She leaned up and kissed him eyes still open

Tara: hmm cute

She kissed him again letting you take control again

You: [ Tara why did you do this?]

You pull away ignoring his gaze

You: I should take a bath

you get up holding Tedda in your arms withing what just happened didn't happen

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