witch one?

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You were in your room when you noticed something behind your dresser you look and find a knife and it kinda looked weird it didn't even cut you when you dropped it

You: [ Tara: that knife only harms immortals you could use it on Kanato You: why would I use it on Kanato? Tara: you'll see]

You look at the knife then felt a arm on your shoulder making you whip around but you only see Kanato

You:[ Tara: speak of the devil]

You: oh Kanato what are you doing in here?

Kanato: we never got to make sweets and I want some

You: oh

He looked down and saw the knife pointed at his chest

Kanato: you were planning to kill me?

Your eyes turn blank as you push him on the floor

You: you said you wanted to die it's not right now anymore

You lift the knife up and drop it but he caught your hand

Kanato: with one is confessing to me?

Your eyes turn back to normal

You: c-confessing?

Kanato: murder is a sign of confessing your love to immortals if it's you and not the other person I would be honored

You: I-

Tara: don't worry grape head it's her I haven't have the slightest care for you but Y/n has taken a liking to you if you accept her feelings I suggest you don't do anything stupid because this knife here I know what it can do Y/n won't kill you but I gladly will

He started laughing at her making her growl

Kanato: wow that's really funny your desperate to kill me your so pathetic I can tell your not a mortal are you

Tara: I've been here and there I nearly died because of Y/n's mother but then she gave  birth to this bundle of joy and now I live inside her mind  her mother was stopping me from fully connecting with her so I convinced Y/n to help kill her mother when I got the memo she was leaving for a poor useless sales man and once she was dead she let me in and allowed me to do as I pleased

Kanato: hmm well I would like Y/n back

You: your so stupid Y/n!

You look at Kanato and drop the knife he stood up and walked towards you grabbing your wrist

You: K-Kanato?

Kanato: I accept your confession now let's go make sweets already I'm sick of waiting

He pulled you out of your room

You: [ what happened again? why is he so gentle? and what confession? ]

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