why'd ​you do that?

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You were walking to your favorite balcony when you heard singing you followed the voice and found Kanato singing with his legs dangling off the balcony

You: oh Kanato that was you

Kanato: oh Y/n it's a nice night isn't it?

You: yes it is why are you sitting there you could fall

Kanato: I'll be fine

You get up on the edge keeping your balance while looking at the stars

Kanato: your face is.... blank

You: huh?

Kanato: you don't seem to show any emotion other than a smile or anger

You: well I keep to myself the only person I truly open up to is Yui

Kanato: do you not like me enough to open up your emotions? it worries me that your afraid of me

You: I'm not afraid of you it's like you said your mostly like me

You sit down next to him pulling Tedda to your mouth

You: I should go I want to make a few sweets would you like to join me Kanato?

You hop off the edge and turn back with a smile

Kanato: not right now maybe later

You: oh please Kanato pretty please

Kanato: you want me to join you that badly?

You: yes

Kanato: then give me a kiss then I'll be happy to join you

You:........ Kanato if you wanted a kiss you would have got it already wouldn't you

Kanato: I was playing with Yui but I'm serious with you

He kept his back facing you as you look at him confused

You: I can't do it with your back facing me can I

You heard him start laughing

Kanato: if I didn't like you so much I'd call you pathetic

He stands on the edge holding his arm out holding Teddy in the other

Kanato: race you

He leaned back and fell off the edge you stand there then hear a thud

You: why did you fall off?

You walk outside and find Kanato laying on the ground eyes closed you bend down and shake his chest

You: Kanato wake up hey wake up

Kanato: your so annoying Kanato!

He shot his eyes open and looked at you blankly

You: why'd you fall off?

Kanato: you didn't think a second floor fall would harm me did you?

You: no I'm just wondering why you did that

Kanato: sometimes I wish I could die easily

You: you want to die Kanato?

Kanato: maybe but not right now

He stood up and looked at you with a smile

Kanato: there's a place I'm fond of I want to bring you there before we go make sweets

You: ok

He took you to what looked like a wax room

Kanato: as you can tell there wax figures even Teddy perks up when we come here isn't that right Teddy

You: there beautiful I wish they could be as cute as Teddy

Kanato: it is true Teddy is the cutest of them all like Tedda but in terms of soullessness there jus like them

You: soullessness?

Kanato: sadly you wouldn't be as beautiful as a silent corsp

You turn around realizing how close he is

Kanato: would you like to become one right here and now?

You: what?

He turned you around and looked in your eyes

Kanato: I could put you on display so carefully

You: hey what are you talking about?

Kanato: Teddy would be happy if he got a new friend so would do you say?

You: but Kanato I don't want to be a figure

Kanato: well it would be boring without someone to talk to

He ran his fingers through your hair and grabbed your wrist bringing it up to his mouth

Kanato: I'd probably miss tasting your blood

He bit your wrist sucking the blood out of it you got used to him biting you so it didn't hurt

Ayato: Kanato Reiji wants you

Kanato: aw I was just getting started

He left the room leaving you with Ayato

Ayato: he likes you

You: hmm?

Ayato: oi you heard me he likes you if he hasn't harmed you

You: hmm well I like him too he's not that much needy like you or Laito

You walk pass him ignoring his growl

You:[ I should take a nap I'm tired]

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