go play

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For a while you've been watching through the wolves eyes as Shuu was sucking her blood anger boiled you as you hear him call her a slut you wanted to attack them and get your sister back but first you wanted payback from the Mukami brothers for what they did to Yui

You: go and play

You watch as the wolves run to the Mukami mansion you walk into the Sakamaki mansion following Yui's scent

You: Yui!?

Yui: Y/n!?

She pulls you into a hug nearly squeezing you to death you smile a hug back

Yui: where did you go!? don't ever scare me like that again oh I missed you so much

You: I missed you too Yui

You look at Tedda and take her from Yui's arms

You: you even held Tedda for me

You heard the door creek open you look and see Azusa standing there holding his stomach

You: [ crap he's not dead!]

Azusa: Eve Tara it's Riku

Yui: Kou-kun?

Azusa: we have to go Eve

He grabbed her hand pulling her away from you but you caught her hand making her look back at your angry face

You: why are you leaving me for Azu-kun?

Kou: Eve we have to go now

You: she's my sister Azusa you have no right to take her away from me!!

Your grip on her hand tightened making her wince

Yui: Y/n that's hurts stop!

You widen your eyes and so did she

You: oh I see you like Azusa more than you like me and Tedda right?

Azusa: enough we have to g-

You grab his neck with a tight grip your claws going into his neck you didn't care if he was a vampire you were gonna make it hurt so much that he couldn't breath

Yui: Y/n stop let him go!

You: none of you can take away Yui I'm not giving her up she's mine!

Yui: [ how can I make her stop?]

Her eyes went into Tedda who was sitting on the floor she picks her up and walks towards the fireplace you face her wide eyed

You: what are you doing? get Tedda away from there

Yui: Y/n I'm so sorry

She tossed Tedda in the fire

You: Tedda!!

You let go of Azusa's neck and run im front of the fire place already to late to get her out you fall to your knees with your hands through your hair tears in your eyes

You: Tedda Tedda!!!

Yui: Y/n-

Azusa: let's go Eve

She left as you sit there looking at what's left of Tedda

You: my mother's blood I can still save it

Without thinking you put your hands in the fire pulling out the vile with your mother's blood

You: Tara can I ask something of you? [Tara: yes chika?] I know your plan with your brothers I don't care what you do with Yui just bring her back to me  [Tara: do you not care about her?] that useless half-breed took her away from me im not giving her up I want them all dead Yui is mine and mine alone  [Tara: if you let me out to take over you have to pour out your mother's blood]

You take the top off the vile and pour it in the fire as you do so your hair grows longer and turn pitch black your eyes also turn red with your skin turning pale once the blood was a gone you drop the vile and stand up

You: do as you please Tara this time I won't stop you

Time skip

??: it is time brother

?: yes

Tara: you can't forget your elder sister can you?

They turn around shocked at your presence

??: T-Tara?

Tara: I missed you so much my brothers

You walk over to them and pull them in a hug

?: who's body are you in?

Tara: the sister of the woman's blood we are looking for

You smirk showing your fangs

Tara: I made a promise to bring her sister to her we just need the Mukami and Sakamaki brothers dead and out if the way

??: how are you sure she'll do what we wish?

Tara: she wants her sister all to herself  she'll so anything to make that happen

?: we should get going if we want her

Tara: then let's get going it is time for our revenge

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