12 - I Didn't Want You to Meet My Mother

Start from the beginning

Nevertheless, I can't say that I didn't enjoy the physical aspect of the shower I took, but at the same time I was left alone with my thoughts, so I couldn't say the same for the rest. After I finished whining, panicking, overreacting, waiting for my face to return to its natural color and drying off, I wrapped a towel close around me and walked back into the room. I wanted to ask you for a bathrobe - I thought I could wash my clothes and wait for them to dry as it was hot outside, but there were already some clothes neatly folded on my bed, with a bathrobe lying by them. I put the bathrobe on and walked out of the room, taking the clothes with me.

"Bryson, do you have a washing machine in this place? I already told you, I'm not going to wear your clothes," I started sneezing and my eyes itched like crazy, "Bryson!"

I knocked on the closed door which I guessed lead into your room, "I really freaking hope you didn't just hire someone to do your laundry for you outside the house because I'm not planning on-" I stopped dead in my tracks when the door opened and you stood in front of me, shirtless, drying your hair with a towel.

A smirk spread over your face once you saw me lose the ability to speak, and I just prayed to god I could stay focused and not look down.

"Take those, I promise I never wore them, that's why I left them for you," you answered, looking at the clothes in my hand. Clothes you should have put on your wet body to make it easier for me to talk to you without thinking of other things I shouldn't have been thinking of.

"Okay," I said way too quickly and turned around, going back to my room.

"And I do my own laundry, for your information," you shouted, "....most of the time."

I smiled to myself, shaking my head as I got back into my room and changed. It was definitely strange thinking of it as my room. But I would have been leaving it soon anyway. You left me with a long, navy T-shirt that was just long enough to cover my butt and a pair of sweatpants that I didn't end up wearing because it was too freaking hot. I missed my intense air conditioning so much.

Even though it was the middle of the day, I ended up plopping on the bed and falling asleep. My weary eyes that I saw in the mirror before I laid down were proof that my tiredness threw a shadow over each and every other need my body may have had.

I woke up completely disoriented. The small, weird looking clock on the nightstand, with random white shapes coming out of it showed that it was already  a few minutes past 7 PM. I couldn't believe that I slept through the whole day, but in reality, I would do that even before I lived through the chance of getting murdered.

I could feel a change in the air before I realized that the AC in the room was turned on. You probably came in while I was sleeping. But even though it was really nice of you, I felt a bit self-conscious realizing that you saw me like that. I didn't like people watching me sleep. I had no idea if I did some strange shit in bed.

"Fuck," I jumped up, realizing that 7 PM also meant mom was supposed to call me.

"Bryson," I ran out of the room and caught you playing with Trooper in the big living room, papers spread around you. Your head snapped towards me before your eyes went down to my uncovered legs. I forgot that I was only in the damn shirt, "Can I use your phone?" I crossed them.

"No," you answered and turned back to Trooper, throwing her a small toy to the other side of the room.

"What do you mean I can't use your phone Bryson?" I was getting nervous. What if you planned all of this - made Sandra come to my apartment so that you could make me come to your place, just so you could use me as a slave? It definitely happened in movies, it had to happen to someone in real life as well.

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