12 - I Didn't Want You to Meet My Mother

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I obviously don't trust people that don't like dogs. How could I?

And even though I was aware that I was allergic to dogs (my worst quality), I decided not to tell you anything, knowing that I was leaving soon.

"He's the cutest thing," I cuddled the big, white fluff in front of me.

"Um, it's a she," you commented, "Didn't think you'd be the sexist one here..."

"I'M NOT A SEXIST!" You closed the door behind us and walked in front of me and Trooper, laughing and he jumped onto you.

"You just proved you are!"


You started laughing even harder, looking at me, "So you really think that a girl doesn't deserve to be called Trooper?"

I took in a deep breath and turned on my heels, ready to open the door and leave, but your hands were around me as soon as my hand touched the doorknob.

"It was just a joke kitten," you whispered in my ear and I sighed, taking a step away as I couldn't stand being so close to you, "Come."

I rolled my eyes, but you gently pulled my hand, commanding me to walk behind you, yet your eyes wouldn't leave me until you were sure I wasn't about to turn around and run away. It was the first time I started noticing everything around me. And trust me, I never felt more out of place. I never considered myself poor, but compared to you I was living on the street.

The apartment was huge, nearly the size of my mom's house, all decorated in white and gray with a sophisticated look. All of the furniture was modern and it definitely didn't leave the impression of a college student's home. In the living room, which is the room that you would see as soon as you entered, there was a wall completely made out of glass, with a beautiful view of New York. I gulped a bit too loudly and followed you into the next room. You looked at my face for a little while before opening the door, the smirk you had on telling me that you were happy with the feeling of surprise I wasn't able to mask.

"This is where you will be staying...if you want to. If not, there's always my room. Don't hesitate to ask."

"Thanks, but no thanks," I entered a "smaller" room, decorated in the same manner as the rest of the place. Trooper followed me inside, circling around my legs. I immediately went to the window that was overlooking the city. Max was always a fan of heights. I wished he could have seen it too.

"What's wrong?" you asked, seeing me stand in a spot for a few seconds, lost in my thoughts.

"I should probably take a shower," I came back to reality, "But I don't have a change of clothes. And no-" I started, seeing that you were about to say something, "I am not wearing your clothes."

"Fine," you crossed your arms over your chest, "You can always go around naked."

I crouched down, cuddling Trooper while looking her in the eyes, "I'm so, so sorry that you have to share this house with an idiot baby." I kissed the top of her head and headed towards the only other door in the room, which I presumed, lead to the bathroom.

"An idiot that feeds her!" I heard you say from the other side of the door I closed.

The bathroom couldn't be any less fancy than the rest of the space, with a shower that could play music and shine different lights; a sink sensitive to movement and a toilet that flushed when you got up from it (though those always scared me, to be honest). It was funny how even alone in there I felt disoriented, like someone thought that it would be fun to put a middle-class girl into a millionaire's house and watch her try and survive.

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