Chapter 6 - "I convey a moody persona?"

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Link opened his mouth to respond, but Mr. Philips stepped before the group, a clipboard in hand.

"Everyone should be here now. I'm going to take role and then we will move inside," their history teacher said.

He started listing off names and receiving shouts of 'here' in response.

"Lucas Benton?"

"Here," a mocking voice said.

Carter grimaced.

"I hate when our classes are combined," she said.

Link nodded.

"Link Evans?"

He raised his hand. "Here."

Mr. Philips continued down the role, talking over the whispered conversations.

"Maddy Hooper?"

"Here," a feminine voice said.

Link looked around, searching for the source of the voice.

"Donovan Keller?"

"Here," Donovan said, his deep voice carrying over the hum of voices.

"Did you feel that?" Carter asked.

Both Donovan and Link looked at her. Link frowned.

"Feel what?" he asked.

"Fifty sets of female eyes shifting to where we are sitting," Carter said.

Link started to laugh, glancing around, but stopped.

"How could you possibly know that?" Link asked, astonished. "You weren't even looking."

Carter smirked.

"Because he's the new hot guy," she said. "And we are in open territory. I predict five seconds after the role is finished some girl will come say hi. They will also leave blushing when Donovan gives them his signature blank stare."

Link grinned.

"Carter Owens?"

"Present in body, but not in mind or spirit," she said.

"Understood," Mr. Philips said, before moving onto the next name.

The final 'here' was said and Mr. Philips called everyone's attention.

"Alright," he said. "We are going to take a tour through the museum. Stay with the group. If you are found wandering off, you immediately get an F on your essay. Is that understood?"

Heads bobbed and a few students muttered assent. Mr. Philip studied the group of students for a second longer than nodded.

"Okay. Let's go. Stay together."

He turned and started leading the way up to the museum. Carter stood and carelessly brushed herself off. A red haired girl with freckles walked over to Donovan.

"Hey," she said, eyes bright. "We have English together. Walk with me?"

The girl hooked her arm through Donovan's. Carter laughed at the strain around Donovan's mouth and the girl shot Carter a fiery glare. The group moved forward, clusters of students bunching together. Carter fell in behind with Link, but paused at the sight of two black SUVs stopping at the curb. Men in black suits and earpieces stepped out.

"Who-" Link started to say.

"Apparently Mason is coming on this little field trip," Carter said.

Mason appeared from the first car and the men formed a barrier around him. As the group moved forward, Carter smiled. An agent on the side, with dark skin, noticed Carter and nodded. She fell into step with them, Link beside her.

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