Chapter 5: All The Same To Me

Start from the beginning

“Meeya Jae Hale,” I stated, shifting awkwardly on my feet. The last bell had already rang, meaning everybody was already in class. This was bad because I knew I would attract more attention to myself when I’d have to disrupt the class for being late.

I watched as the secretary searched through a stack of papers and found the ones she needed. “Ah yes, Meeya; what a pretty name. Here you go, you’re first class is with Mr. Sherman.” She said, smiling at me while she handed me a stack of papers. “Get this paper,” she said, marking a paper with a red ‘x’, “and sign it by all your teachers. Bring it back here after school. Have a good day!” She called, as I walked out of the office and took a deep breath.

I walked through the hallways as I looked for the room of my first class. The room was in the first floor, so it didn’t take me long to find the classroom.

I bit my lip nervously as I built up the courage and knocked on the door. It seemed to take forever for someone to open the door, though I was sure it was no more than seconds. The teacher was a man around his forties, with more hair on the sides of his head instead of the top, he wore glasses and a vest; typical teacher look.

Without saying anything, I nervously handed the teacher the slip I was supposed to get signed by all my teachers. The teacher inspected the paper and gawked at me when he saw my name—not an encouraging response—and of course, I flushed tomato red. He walked into the classroom and I did not know what to do besides following him in, making me a clear view for the curious students in the room. He quickly signed the paper and handed it back along with a worksheet everyone else had on their desks.

“Class we have a new student, this is Meeya Jae-“He said, signaling towards me as my lips turned into a slight smile, “Make her feel welcomed. Go ahead and take a seat in the back, next to Mr. Whittemore.”

“And who would that be?” I asked, looking at the people sitting in the back. A guy raised his hand and put it back down. I quickly walked through the aisle to take a seat, pulling out one of my pens and looking over the worksheet everyone else was already concentrated on finishing.

“You new here?” Someone whispered, and I turned around to see the guy sitting next to me leaning slightly over his right arm chair facing me.

“Pretty sure that’s what ‘new student’ means.”I replied sarcastically, but gave him a slight smile to let him know I was only kidding. “I’m Meeya,”

“Jackson, Jackson Whittemore.” He said, flashing me a crooked smile. Jackson was, well really good-looking to say the least. He was tall with light brown hair and amazing blue eyes. He was built too, and that kind of made it hard for me to pay attention to the work we were supposed to be doing. Too my amazement, he was incredibly nice to me; usually good looking guys like that were complete and utter jerks, but he seemed to be the complete opposite of that.


The rest of the morning passed about in the same fashion. After two more classes, I started to recognize several of the faces in each class. There was always someone braver than the others who would introduce themselves and ask me questions about how I was liking Beacon Hills. I had almost every one of my morning classes with Jackson, and sooner than later it was time for lunch.

“There’s a party this Friday, you should come.” Jackson said, as he waited patiently for me to put some textbooks I had received into my locker; which he had kindly helped me find.

I closed my locker and turned to face Jackson, who was leaning against the blue lockers. “Sounds fun, I’ll be there.” I said smiling at him. I wasn’t sure if Derek would give me permission to go, considering Friday was the full moon.

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