Chapter 4: Him

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(A year and a half later)

Gunner paced back and forth with his head thrust back and forth as he walked. His shoulder ached in the cool kennel that he found himself in, in the local pound. He had been here for almost a moon and that hadn't done anything. He had just watched humans walk in and pick a cute puppy and then leave. No one wanted an old, German Shepard like him and he didn't want a human. He had lost everything and now he was living with the consequences.

Suddenly, Gunner heard another person walking in. Actually, it was people. The one was the head of the pound, who always seemed to match families with adorable puppies. He never brought anyone to see Gunner. Gunner was just useless and he knew it, especially now.

"So, Mister-"

"Reacher," answered the man.

"Um, yes," the pound director stammered, waddling forward with his beer belly hanging over his too tightly stretched belt. "Mister Reacher. What sort of dog are you looking for?"

"I'll know it when I see it," answered the man cooly.

Gunner twitched one of his ears as he looked forward. He took in everything about the man. That's what he did. He picked up on small details and reacted to them. It was probably how he had survived as long as he had.

The man wasn't very tall, but he seemed strong for his side. He had short, brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a leather jacket over it with blue jeans. It didn't look like he carried much. He had a wallet that he had had for years and he smelled like sweat and perseverance. Gunner knew exactly what this man had been; a solider.

Gunner watched him come toward him and he was unable what to do. He stayed where he was until he saw the man steal a glance in his direction. He stopped quickly and gazed at Gunner as if he had been looking at him the entire time. He smiled a bit as his gaze met Gunner's. Gunner could see experience glowing in his eyes.

"Who's this," asked Reacher.

The director came over and looked at the small information tag. "I don't know. He didn't come with a name or a collar. He's pretty gruff and rough around the edges. It doesn't seem worth it to go through all this trouble with him."

"On the contrary, I believe that I would like to go to the trouble with him," explained Reacher as he gazed at Gunner. He kneeled down and gripped his fingers around the bars of the cage. Gunner touched his nose to the man's callus fingers. The man withdrew his hand and looked up to the director. "Open it."

The director reluctantly obliged as he opened it easily. Gunner wasn't sure whether or not he was allowed out, but the man took a step backwards and Gunner assumed that it was alright. Gunner padded forward slowly, his eyes squinting with the lack of light around him. He plastered his ears against his head with his tail nearly tucked between his legs in nervousness. He didn't have the best track record with people.

The man reached out his hand to pet Gunner and Gunner growled softly as he did. "Looks like he isn't as friendly as your thought," chuckled the director.

"That's because he hasn't been acclimated to me yet and I'm guessing that he has some baggage," Reacher pointed out as he stretched out a hand and scratched Gunner one more time. "I'll take this one."

The director looked almost angry that he had chosen Gunner. But, he couldn't say anything. "Fine, but you're going to have to come up with a name."

"Sage," answered Reacher as he looked to the director. "Are you going to get me a leash or do I need to get my own?"

The director padded away and Reacher scratched Gunner once more. "I hope that you don't mind the name Sage? I thought that it would suit you."

Gunner thought for a moment before he nodded slowly, licking his lips. The director came back with a leash and a makeshift collar. Reacher clipped it around Gunner's neck and Gunner wagged his tail as Reacher clipped the leash to him. He was finally going to get out of this stupid place and be able to eat something besides kibble, hopefully.

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