A curse and A promise.

Start from the beginning

"It's not my wedding if you are not there yeavar, I dont want that wedding, I don't want augus, i want you" she paused and moved my face to hers, my eyes meeting her's "je t'aime tellement".

I grinned at her French words and just like that she took away my pain and sadness." You learned French mom amour"

"Oui monsieur" she smiled letting her lips spread beautifully "I got tired of your intimidation"

I chuckled letting her relax in my embrace as my legs spread apart. She was so soft and gracious as i stroked her long hair and her hair smelled of lemons. I felt her vulnerability again, not that of an eighteen year old but that of a sincere lover,the vulnerability she had when I marked so she would not be hurt by any wolf. I rested my chin on her head as her fasting beating heart relaxed. I closed my eyes to savour her presence and peace.

I picked the sound of a crushing branch. I slept the air and the smell of smoke was coming and I could feel presence,not one but many. I growled.


"Get up mon amour" I said to her as I pulled her up, "they are coming" I whispered.

Vampires had heightened senses like us wolves. They could hear, see, smell, move and feel ten times more than humans abd witches.  If I could smell them they could smell me.

We hurried out of the cottage I smelt the air again and realised Augus was in front and her was with poisoned silver.I growled.

He came to kill me after the covenant we had with each other on not breaking boundaries. As we ran an opposite direction from them. The air became colder as the snapping of branches filled my ears. She got tired and stopped. I picked her up and carried on my shoulders

"Oh my goodness mon amour what do you eat?!" I asked as the pressure of her weight fell on me but my powers overwhelmed them. She responded by hitting my back with her small tender arms. I chuckled before moving forward as fast as I could but I stopped when I sensed vampires ahead of us.

They were everywhere and I was alone so I decided to call back up since I couldn't fight them all. I dropped her and stepped back and took a moment to analyse her body. The white gown she was wearing had no hands and flowed to the ground having colourful,she looked divine.

I stepped a little and closed my eyes imagining my full white wolf form and i felt my bones snapped and my face elongate ,I was already used to the pain since I had been transforming for 18 years.

Once in full wolf form she smiled at me before I howled a call. I got no response then I howled again longer calling all the wolf clan around us and I received responses, more responses that I could have wanted. I was about to howl again when Augus showed forth.

She moved to my side as he and a few of his others surrounded us. I came in front her and growled.

"Yeavar!' He shouted in an angry tone" this is how you repay me.. taking away my bride"

"I am not your bride!" Esmeralda snapped "I was never yours Augus and never will be" she shifted closer to me and i sensed her fear.

"Oh my love alda , don't be blinded by this animal" I growled at his words but he continued "I love you more than he does I will give you all you want money, power, eternity" he stepped forward but I moved abrupting his movement but I stopped when I sensed the silver in the staff he was holding. It wasn't a touch but a spear.


"Please Augus go back i'm sorry but i love him even as the monster you paint him to be" she rubbed my fur even in my wolf form her touch turned me on "and besides we are mated already and it's against the law to marry a vampire if one is alrady mated to a werewolf"

"But his doomed!!"

"I don't care!!" She touched me "common yeavar let's go".she rubbed my back and turned around. I was surprised he let go of us so soon and more relaxed when I heard the other wolves coming to where we were but

"ESMERALDA "Augus shouted "You leave me no choice but to have you by force". As his word came he threw the spear. I had expected it's impact on me since I had less time to dodge it but what I felt was esmeralda's falling body on my fur.

"NOOOOO!!!" Augus shouted making his way towards us but the wolves came and pounced on them. They were in war mood but I was just killed. The spear was still at esmeralda's back and the witch's poison had spread it now showed like roots on her face.

I trembled as I didn't know what to do,I got stuck if i should change back to human or wolf but I changed and my neck upwards was wolf and downwards was human.

I held her close as I removed the spear from her back,she screamed and the gates holding the tears in my eyes opened letting the tears roll  down my furry face and unto her visible skin as her eyes focused on me and her lips spoke "Mon amour, Mon ami, I love you so much. They gave you a curse but I give you a promise even in a thousand years I would still love you and choose you yeavar"she touched my face and i leaned in tears still flowing down my eyes. I couldn't speak I just watched her as she smiled blood left her lips.

I howled

And the others did too as the vampires fled but all light had left me and the only one I could see was the light of the full moon.

It was the final stage of the poison that had spread in her.


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