Butterfly's Weakness (Bad End.)

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Marco's POV

I couldn't move when I saw Toffee blasting the life out of Star. Her face turned pale, and blood splattered everywhere. It was a gruesome sight. Her body fell limp on the ground, and a red puddle swarmed. There were screams and crying of grief from all around us.

Toffee looked up at me and pulled out a notebook. "Looks like I DO know the Butterflys' secret now... Thank you Marco," he said, jotting down notes. "W-what?" I whimpered. He takes a glance at me before speaking. "The Butterflys' weakness. Love. When they love something or someone, they would risk themselves. Star took a deadly blow to protect you. That is her weakness. YOU." Everything began to blur. Plop!

I understand now... Plop!

I get it... Plop!

But I won't give up... Plop!

For her sake...

"It is over," Toffee stared, reaching down to the princess, her body barely moving. "Indeed, over for you!" I snap, pushing Toffee away from Star. I take a look at the blonde before turning to Toffee. She was covered in her own blood. Her dress was ripped, and her hair was both stained and frenzied. Her skin was pale, her eyes were half open, revealing a light grey eye color. "M-m-marco... nooo.." she breathed, closing her eyes and falling unconscious again.

"You will lose Toffee. I love Star with all my heart, and as far as I know, love is the strongest magic on Earth!" I yell, balling my hand into a fist. "And how do you plan to stop me? After all, you are merely a human," Toffee retorted, narrowing his eyes at me. "You must have forgotten that this is our dimension." I smirk as I wink at Janna. She nods, slipping out of the crowd. Now I just have to stall him...

Toffee's POV

I smirk at Marco Diaz. What an interesting man... I take a step forward. "Please do tell me why I should be afraid that this is your dimension?" I inquire. He gives me a shady from. "Because you don't know the people here." "Continue." "And that we humans know how to stall." My eyes widen at the statement as a blast of energy hits me in the back.

I tumble over, flipping onto my back to see who hit me. It was Moon Butterfly. "H-how did y-" I was interrupted by some girl with an odd hat. (Janna 😎) She twirled the keys between her fingers as she stood beside Moon, River, and Ponyhead. "Remember? We humans are good at stalling." "Good job Janna!" I hear Marco cheer. I was surprised that he was able to fool me. Attempting to get up, I was held down by chains. "You are dead to me Toffee." I smile, hanging my head low.

"I may have lost this war, but you may have lost your daughter."

As soon as I said that, I could hear Moon softly sobbing before screaming in anger. A purple and blue mixed fireball came at me. It wasn't painful... But everything faded away. I was engulfed in darkness. I may be dead Moon, but your daughter may follow.

Marco's POV

As soon as Toffee was disintegrated, I ran over to Star. "Star, we did it." I whisper to her, my eyes pricked with tears. "We won Star. T-toffee is gone now," I began to cry into her neck. "Star! Please wake up." "..." "DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!" I cry, pulling her into my lap as I began to cradle her. Her body didn't move. Her body lacked heat, and her breathing was getting weaker and slower by the second. "Ms Butterfly! Is there a spell to stop the bleeding? There has to be a spell to save her!" I choke on my tears as I beg Star's mom to help. She doesn't look at me but whimpers. "I don't know Marco. I don't know."

I continue to cry as I hold the love of my life in my arms. I look at Star, a peaceful and content expression written on her dying face. "Please don't leave me. I love you... I can't imagine my life without you," I cry, pressing my lips against her forehead. I could hear mournful cries everywhere as I looked around. Ponyhead was crying her heart out into Janna, who was trying to calm her. Jackie was tearing up, holding a hand over her mouth. Moon and River stared at me and Star, their eyes red and puffy. My mom and dad came up to me, holding me tightly. "I am so sorry Mijo," My dad said. I turn to them, letting them see my tear stained face. They look at me with great sadness, slowly running their hands down Star's cheek. I return to embracing Star.

"I am so sorry Marco."

I open my eyes and stare at Star. Her blue eyes were fading to a shallow grey. Her lip quivered, and the hearts on her cheeks were slowly losing color. "No no. Stay with me! I can't lose you!" I cried, holding her tighter. I rip my hoodie off and wrap it around her wounds, but it wasn't enough. She kept bleeding. "Marco?" She puts her hand on my cheek. I whimper her name as her body starts getting cold. "I love you. Okay? And if you love me, let me go." (IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME GOOOOOOO!) "No!" I screech, letting my tears fall onto her hands. She cries too, pulling me towards her.

"It's too late for me."

"N-no! We can work together to fix this."

"Marco, that was a Deathly Black Soul Destroyer spell. It's over."

I began to scream her name as her hand slips down, her eyes closing. "DON'T YOU DARE! OPEN YOUR EYES! STAY WITH ME! STAR!" "I love you." It was too late. Her chest stopped rising and falling completely. She was cold and pale. Her eyes were shut, hiding her grey eyes. The blood pool still got bigger, but slowly. The hearts on her cheeks were gone... She was dead.

After the funeral.

General POV

Marco lay on his bed, his face emotionless. His mocha eyes were now a sad, dull brown. His hair was messy, and his clothes were stained with blood and tears. He didn't bother changing. He didn't care anymore. He lost Star. There was no point in anything now. His happiness has faded. "Marco~ It's time for dinner!" Mrs. Diaz called, trying to sound cheery. "I'm not hungry..." He mumbled, knowing his mom couldn't hear. "Dear! Come down! You haven't eaten for 3 days!" She was right. He hadn't eaten since Star left.

Ponyhead stared at her food. "Well? Aren't you going to eat?" She looked at her mentor. She was currently at Saint. O's. "Eat or we will go back to the lesson room." Ponyhead smiles at her teacher's attempt to threaten her. "To what? break me and my mind? You can't break it if it was already broken," She replies, a sad and dead smile on her face. The teacher huffed, turning away and out the door.

StarFan13, Janna, and Jackie sat on the carpet in Jackie's house, playing a game. "You cheater!" Jackie playfully whines at Janna. "Wow! Now you sound like Star!....Oh..." As soon as Janna said that, all the girls went silent. StarFan13 was the first to break. "I miss her. She was my hero. My inspiration... now.." She broke into sobs. Janna teared up, along with Jackie. "H-hey! This was supposed to be fun. Le-" "NO! Do you know how hard it is to forget her?! She changed all of our lives. Made it interesting for once...There is no way in hell I could forget her and what happened." Jackie hung her head low, watching a shaky Janna try and cheer up StarFan13.

To all of them, including Mewni and Star's parents, she was gone. And she was. To Moon and River, their daughter was gone, and so was the heir to the throne. To Ponyhead, she lost her bff. To StarFan13, she lost her hero. To Janna and Jackie, they lost a friend. To Marco, it was his fault. He lost his princess...

"I am sorry Star... I am so sorry." After all...

He didn't move when Star told him to.


I am sad to say that I am done with this story and will either move on to Star vs. The Forces of Herself, orrr......  A FUSION SPELL AU! Like, also takes place after Season 2, but Star decides to work with Toffee to protect her friends, but it doesn't work so well. Gimme fusion names. Gonna need alot. (Toffee and Star Fusion, Marco and Star fuse, MORE FUSIONSSSSS) You decide. Fusion or SVTFOH? Either way, Star is gonna be on the evil side. *Clearly obsessed with idea of an evil Star*

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