What Happened To Her?

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        Star sat on her bed, the room once her's before she left to Mewni. It looked so small, plain, and normal. She guessed it was because she didn't turn it into a three-floored room with a huge closet that could practically fit the entire Cloud Lounge in. Star turned, startled as the door opened unexpectedly. Star glared at the boy in the doorway. "It is quite rude to just barge into someone's room without their permission." "Oh sorry. So it was different when you barged into my life? And sometimes, into my room?" he joked. Star didn't laugh as Marco expected her to do so. She stayed silent, still glaring at Marco.

   Star turned away, standing up and waltzing over to her dresser. Carefully, she took her tiara off her head and placed it on a spot on the dresser. Marco watched her as she did so.  Realising he was staring, he averted his eyes away from her and towards her room. He was shocked to say the least. It was organized. Like not messy and cluttered. He let his eyes wander around the room. To her fixed bed, to a small organised dresser, and to the other objects Star put in her room with her magic. He was very surprised to see that Star didn't change her room to the royal play house she had when they lived together.

    "Haha, your room looks neat for once," Marco laughed. Star changed her gaze from her dresser to Marco, a straight face looking at him. "Is that a problem?" she asked, annoyance tinted in her voice.  Marco threw his hands up in defence. "W-what? No. I am just surprised your room isn't the little castle it once was." Star sighed, before gaining her composure together. "That room was too messy. This is way cleaner and sanitary," she replied. Marco was stunned. HE was the Safe Kid. Now she was acting like a neat freak.Marco shook his head at the thought of Star being....neat...

     "Oh come on. What happened to my little, reckless princess?" he cooed. "Nothing happened Marco. I am a proper princess now. I have responsibilities, and they do not include spawning little, evil marshmallows that want to take over the Universe," she responded, aware of the fact was was gaping at her, mouth wide open. "Close your mouth! Not only could you swallow a fly, that is not acceptable. It shows you need to learn some manners," she hissed. Clearing her throat, she spoke. "Please leave now Marco. I have much to attend to." Before Marco could say anything,  she walked over to him and closed the door quietly behind her.  On the other side, Marco was frozen in thought. "N-no way.. she didn't just....she did...h-how..." he muttered to himself.  "What happened to her?" he asked himself, tears welling up. "One thing is for sure," he stated, walking into his room. "I am going to get my best friend back!"

       ( Hi! I would like to give a shout out to Riley12345ppp for helping me out with this chapter. Check her out when you can, and make sure to read her awesome fanfictions!)

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