9: Chances

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Sunday went by without anything unusual happening. When Monday rolled along, it hit both Jac and Addy pretty hard. Their practice was twice as long as usual to make up for the one they missed, and Addy's feet were swollen by the time she came off the field. She ran to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up while Jac thought.

"Shit, Addy. How are we supposed to get out of the building? We have a game tomorrow. Not to mention, the concert ends at like 11:00pm."

Addy thought about concerts and how they made her feel sick. She thought about how right before she hurled, her stomach cramped up and –

She ran out of the bathroom, still pulling on her top.

"That's it!"


"Come here, I have a plan."

Addy explained her plan and Jac answered back on it. "That's more than perfect! Coach makes her rounds at about 10:00pm but doesn't really check on anyone after. She won't even know we're gone. C'mon, let's go bring our bags down now."

Adelanja and Jaconda ran to the lobby bathroom and hid their things in a vent. They screwed it back in then ran upstairs to wait until 10:00pm.

* * * * *

"What are you doing with my boxers? I have to change into them now…Where did you even get fake blood?"

"We have to make it seem real. You have to admit, we aren't very good at lying."

Jac had stolen Addy's boxers and was squirting a tube of blood onto them.

"Stop! That's convincing enough. She's going to think I'm haemorrhaging or something."

Jac shrugged and put down the blood.

"Hurry put them on! I can hear her coming. Stand by the door with me and pretend we're about to leave or something…"

Addy pulled on her boxers and ran over to the door. Before the coach even got to knock, the door swung open and the girls stood in the doorway.

"You girls are supposed to be in bed…Is there something wrong?"

"Actually, Coach. We were wondering if we could run into the drug store for a quick moment…Addy-…had-…she-…it's her 'time'. We need to get supplies."

Coach immediately caught on, and gave her a knowing glance. "You should be prepared next time. Be back before-"

"Actually, Coach. They have a half-off sale after midnight. She's okay for now. I was wondering if we could have a slip."

"Why, of course." Coach took out of piece of paper and a pen. She handed it back to the girls with a sentence and a signature.

"We're going to get some fresh air now…we won't be back until we buy our things so I don't want you to wonder what happened to us."

The girls stumbled away down the hall. Coach was about to say something before they were completely out of her sight, but she bit her tongue and held it in.

* * * * *

"I can't believe that actually worked!"

Jac started fixing her hair and Addy stuffed her pyjamas into her bag. They were about to sneak out, so they waited until it was completely silent, then tore through the lobby and unto the street. They waited for their bus to come along, boarded it, and then arrived at the venue soon after. It wasn't a five minute drive like last time, it was thirty minutes and Jac was getting restless. They didn't even enter through the front; they slid along the wall to the back and knocked on a dented, metal door. A tall, burly man opened it. Jon.

While they should've been scared, Jon was less intimidating this time. He was polite and, once he saw their passes, let them in. They walked through a hall with white walls, passing dressing rooms, until they arrived into a drab, smoky room where people were bustling from door-to-door. Addy scrunched up her face. She didn't like the smell of cigarettes, and never had. Jac had run away somewhere, probably to find Jeremy, who said he'd be here today. Someone came up behind her and pulled her hood down to reveal her face. She swivelled around to face her attacker, but it was just Bill. He was smiling down at her.

"Hey Addy! I didn't know you could make it…Did everything go okay?"

He knew about the curfew, but she didn't dare say what she did to avoid it.

"It actually went pretty well. Coach didn't suspect a thing." Addy felt herself loosening up a bit. "But I won't dare tell you what we did. It was pure evil." She teased.

"Is that so?" Bill laughed. "I guess I'll just have to tickle you into submission then." He smiled slyly and began tickling her ribs.

She howled with laughter and pain at the same time. When it looked as if she wasn't going to say anything, he stopped and she continued laughing. She liked Bill. Not in a way that might make her attracted to him, but he was nice and she really admired that, so they were a lot closer than she would've thought they'd be.

"Where's Tom?"

"Oh, so now you actually want to talk with him? I'm not telling if it's because you're going to shoot him." Bill teased.

"Ha, if I were to kill him it would be long and painful, don't worry."

Just then someone came up behind her and pulled her hood up so it covered a good portion of her face. She grunted and turned around. Of course it was Tom, who else? Even after he had a good chance of being on Addy's hit list, he couldn't stop teasing her. Surprising the twins, she laughed and rolled her eyes. She promised Jac she would behave herself.

"Hey, Anja." He smiled that crooked smile.

* * * * *

Addy and Tom had been on the couch for all of fifteen minutes and Tom was explaining that the guitar worked perfectly fine on stage. She was still acting cold towards him, but she was thawing. He could tell. He was saying something about an amp, when Addy cut in.

"Why do you call me Anja? No one calls me that…Well, except you."

Tom stopped talking and looked flustered. He thought she still didn't like him very much. In response, he answered in a small voice. "I won't call you that anymore –"

"No, no. I didn't mean I don't like it. I was just wondering."

"Oh. Well in that case…I don't know. I guess it sounds more German or something."

He smiled at her.

"But even German people call me Addy…"

"Well…I thought it suited you more at the time, I guess."

"Another question. Why were you speaking German in the car when you could've spoken English and saved me the trouble of translating?"

"Ughh…I don't know actually. It's hard to speak English; it's not my mother tongue. We didn't know Jac couldn't speak German, I mean she didn't talk all night pretty much." He gave a sheepish grin. "Now it's my turn for questions. Why does a girl have a guy's name? I mean why did her parents name her Jack?"

Addy laughed at that. "No her name isn't Jack. It's actually Jaconda. Jac is just her nickname,"

Before Addy had time to do any more talking, a short girl came and sat on Tom's knee; she had Addy wondering how she even got in. She could've been pretty, but Addy thought she was just too Barbie-like. She had long, straight, brown hair down to her belly-button with fat chunks of platinum blonde crawling through it. Her lips and boobs were inflated twice their size, her eyebrows were drawn in, and she was wearing nothing but a bra-like top exposing more of her fake-and-bake tan and a mini skirt short enough to be a belt with big, red platform shoes. Tom shot Addy an apologetic look as the girl began to stroke his face. She could tell Tom was debating whether or not to throw her off. Soon enough though, he completely forgot about the pink-haired girl beside him and he began sucking face with the Barbie on the couch. Addy had already gotten up but was close enough to hear when Bill passed the pair and simply said, "AIDs." She laughed so hard at the crazy scene before her that she almost forgot that Tom had just blown her off to be with a slut. Almost.

When I Lose Myself, I'll Think of You; A Tom Kaulitz FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang