strange addiction| strange bed and mcdonalds

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cassie's pov

I groan loudly as my alarm weirdly goes off in my ear. turning on my side I smack down on the hard surface. confusion runs through my head as I realize the alarm is still going off and thats its not on my nightstand. I quickly sit up, pressing my hands down into the sheet to keep me up,, only to hear a loud groan come from under the sheets.

a loud squeak flew from my lips as i jumped off the bed, instantly knocking the lamp over,causing it to crash against the granite tiles. i winced at the sound, looking over to confirm the facts that the lamp hadn't made it.

"really cassie?" a familiar voice called from the bed, making me snap my head  in that direction to see hot box, sleepily frowning at my while he rubbed the sleepiness from his left eye.

"dylan?" i called out, almost uncertain as if it was him, "why the hell am i here?"

"um, a welcome would suffice" he scoffed, pushing himself out of bed, and i secretly wished he was shirtless, however my wishes never come true and he was fully covered in the clothes he had the day or night before.

"are you hungry?"

nah, more thirsty.

i shook my head and raised my head to look at him, "yes,, i'm starving" he smirked at the sound of that and shrugged

"there's a McDonald's down the road from here"

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