strange addiction| spit takes and cumshots

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SHE SNICKERS SLIGHTLY, turning red with embarrassment and wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her sweater. She turned to see Tyler, the manager with a slight smirk on his face.

"I'm so sorry about the mess again" She profusely apologized, wiping off the counter with another tissue paper.

Tyler shakes his head biting him lip trying to hold in his laughter, "No no, it's okay." He slowly took the tissue from her hand and threw it in the bin under the counter. With a smile, he quickly grabbed and sprayed Lysol across the area and wiped it down thoroughly before turning his attention to her. "I guess he should be used to this by now."

"Then whats up with sugar tits over there?"

"Sugar tits?" his eyebrow furrow as he looks at her chuckling, "Who's that?"

She nods and shoves her chin forward in Dylan's direction, "Your other employee Dylan" She smiles to herself  "At least that's what I think his name is." She quickly added tearing her eyes away from Dylan's stiff figure as he wiped off the reminisce of her spit and frescante off of himself.

"Oh you're the girl he always complains about?" he points out, slapping the countertop laughing. Tyler knew better than to tell her exactly what Dylan had said unless she'd probably rub for the hills and never come back.

Her eyebrows furrow ," What'd he say?" She asks curiously.  Surely Dylan,  the somewhat quiet kid who never said anything back to her or made a snide comment could have anything terrible to say about her.  The sarcasm is real.

Tyler shakses his head and looks over his shoulder briefly at Dylan before turning his attention back to the girl in front of him once again.  A small smirk tugged at his lips,  and his hand latched onto the counter top,  in hinging it,  slowly lifting it in which anyone could pass through.  "Why don't you ask him yourself."

Cassie straightens up and wipes away any residue left on her jumpsuit, blowing out a shaky breath.  

Why the hell was she so nervous?  It's just Dylan.

"I'm so fucking fed up with it Chrystina! I've tried being nice, and every time I try to say something, she goes and does something stupid." His familiar voice hisses from behind the locker room door.

"I know Dyl, but you have to be patient. Try and breathe. take a minute to-"

"if you tell me to smell the fucking roses one more time, I swear to god I'll make you swallow the next load I shoot at you." 

Everything is silent. well except for my raging heart rate. I swore the guy was some sort of angel and he's taking cumshots at his co-workers? 

Can I get a hell yeah Mr. Sexy.For all the times I thought this kid, was...a kid, I'd be damned. Biting her lower lip, her chest constricts, and a pang of jealousy slowly fills her. 

Why the hell am I jealous? It's not like I wouldn't want someone like him to shoot his load on me. Right?  She thought.

Okay! Gross. Let's be realistic here. You're a jerk to the guy, he'd never go for you. Look at him and -

A hand clamps around her arm tightly,  emitting a loud hiss from between her sealed lips. Fear quickly seeps through and she find herself looking up into Dylan's dark, dilated eyes. "What the hell are you doing back here?" 

Gulping down the imaginary rock that's lodged in her throat, She squeaks out a response. "I came to apologize."

His eyes narrow even more, if thats even possible, and he pulls her flush against him. "Then apologize and get it over with then" He hisses out.He didn't want to be mean to her, but the burning sensation of the coffee she just spat on him left a reminder why he should be.

"Look." She snapped, yanking her arm out of his grip and took a step back. All thoughts of what she'd want do to him transformed into one in which her palm connected with his face, which she so badly wanted to do. She hated being man-handled. Outside of the bedroom that is. "I'm sorry I spat in your face, okay, but I'm having a pretty shit day too, and you don't see me complaining." In fact, she had caught her boyfriend cheating on her once again, and she'd had enough. You'd think after the first few times that she'd be smart enough to end it. But, no, it was what she thought was Loveland she was done with that.

"You just did."

"What?" She furrow her brows in confusion as he smirks slowly. Bipolar much

"You just complained dumbass" He elaborated, folding his arms across his chest, effectively distracting me.

"Y- You can't speak to me like that"

A low chuckle emits from his chest as he raises a questioning brow at her.
"Oh really? Who says that? My shift just ended five minutes ago and you're trespassing in my workplace.  I can speak to you however the hell I want"

Narrowing her gaze, Cassie glares up at him."You've some balls to speak to me like that. Do you know who I am?"

"I do have big balls darling " he smirked deviously at her, completely ignoring what she had said.

She stared at him dumbfounded before muttering, "Trust me, I've seen bigger." She bluffled. 

He chuckled lowly and shook his head at her. "Get out" His smirk slowly fell and a stoic expression masked his beautiful features. 

"Excuse me?" 

"You're not supposed to be back here? So, get out" He nudged her shoulders and jutted out his chin for emphasis. Rolling her eyes in response, spinning on her heels she hurriedly make her way back to the front.

On seeing Tyler, the manager she spat angrily, "What the hell is up his as-"

"Shit." Dylan muttered as he brushed past her and headed through the door. A huff of air escaped her lips.Glaring at his retreating figure, Cassie turned her head to Tyler and frowned deeply, "why is he like this?"

"in a couple of years dear," he smiles softly at me, patting his hand on my head, ruffling my hair lightly, " you'll understand in a couple of years"

Furrowing my brows at his retreating figure, I look around, hoping to see if the answer would hit me, but all that came to me was, 

what the actual frog.

what the actual frog

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