Stuck In a Pickle

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You messed up. Big time. You never thought that this could happen. Your worst fear had been confirmed. You were pregnant. But the thing that scared you the most is that you didn't know who the father was. It was either of the Winchester brothers but you didn't know which one. You loved both of them so much. You couldn't live without either of them. But whose kid is it?

"Cas, I need your help." You confront Castiel, he knew about you being pregnant but you asked him not to tell neither, Sam nor Dean. 

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the babies?" He says quickly and worried.

"Babies?" You asked. Wait, twins?  "You're telling me that I'm going to have twins?"

"The second heart beat appeared only a few days ago." He informed you. 

"Holy crap." Your head starts spinning. "Um, do you know who the father is?" 

"Fathers, both Sam and Dean have a baby with you." Your eyes are wide with shock. "1 of every 400 twins have different dads."

You could barely keep yourself steady. You grab a hold of the closest thing to you, a table. But even then that couldn't keep you up. 

Things are burly at first but then clear up. You are surrounded by Sam, Dean, and Cas. Their faces contorted into worry. 

"Are you alright? Is everything okay?" Sam asked. 

You shake your head. You still couldn't process what you were just told. Sam and Dean? Makes sense though. Both of them, only a few hours apart. Cas looked at you and you knew what he was saying. You need to tell them. But not now.

"I'm fine I just need some sleep, I haven't had a good nights rest is a while." You say getting up off the floor. "Thanks, both of you." you walk away, your head pounding and your stomach twisted in knots. 

~A Month Later~

You were waking up really early in the morning and throwing up. Morning sickness. You had a feeling that this was going to be worse due to there being two babies. You still hadn't told Sam or Dean about them. You were going to try and keep this a secret as long as you could. But they were starting to notice that you were eating a whole lot more than usual and that you were eating strange foods.

"Hey, Y/n can we talk to you?" Sam asked you.

You froze midchew. "Hm?" You hummed. 

"Are you, um," Sam hesitated.

"Pregnant?" Dean finished for him.

You swallowed your food and looked up at the men and knew that you had to tell them. "Um, I was meaning to tell you two. Yeah, I'm pregnant. With twins." You say quiet but loud enough for them to hear.

"I'm gonna be a father?" They both said in unison. They then turned to each other in question.

"You are both going to be fathers." You say awkwardly. "I'm pregnant with twins." You look down at your feet. "That sounds way crazier than I imagined it to be."

"That makes no sense. Are we both going to dads? I don't get it." Dean said. 

"Hopefully this makes more sense but um. I had sex with both of you only a few hours apart and I am now pregnant with twins and you each get a twin." You say quickly. You had no idea what you were doing.

Sam looks like he gets it but Dean is still confused. "You are the dad of one of the twins and I am the dad of the other." He explains.

"Don't be mad at me. I'm stuck with this for a while. And no, I am not, I repeat not going to have an abortion." You say in a stern voice. 

The boys were silent. You were as stubborn as a bull, and they knew it. Dean starts nodding slowly. "Alright. I won't be a dick about this." He pauses. "But I do need to find out which one is mine when they are born." he says.

A smile spread across your face. Relief passed over you when Dean didn't bite Sam's head off about it. "Wait, where are we going to put the nursery?"

Hey, sorry that this one is short. I tried to make it as fun as I could. This kind of reminded me of American Horror Story. This was requested by Smyleigh64. I hope you liked this. I am sorry if there are any problems with the grammar in the last part, I finished this on a crappy computer. Love you all, send in some more ideas. Also school is almost over for me so I will have more time to write and might even upload more than once a week on some weeks. Love you all. 

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