Stranger Outside (Pt. 3)

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~Dean's POV~

The warehouse was filled with angels and demons. This girl was fairly important for both sides to be gunning for her. Sam was dealing with an angel while I had two demons and Cas was carrying most of the weight with both angel and demon while making sure they don't get to this girl.

I still don't understand what is so special about this girl. I mean she is a normal school teacher who just does what normal people do. If there is some type of huge secret behind this girl than Sam and I need to know. But Cas won't tell us. I still don't get it.

Sam was done with his angel. I had one down and another to go. These demons were a bit tougher than the run of the mill demon. The angels probably did something to make them stronger. And Cas; wait, where's Cas?

*Dean get's knocked out. Duh, he is normally knocked out. Have you noticed that?*

~Reader's POV~

You were awake but you couldn't move. It's like you were trapped in your own body. But something was different.

Ah, you're up. Hope you enjoy the show. The voice in your head said.

What are you? You tried to say out loud but couldn't.

A demon. You're mine and you can't stop me.

You could see what was going on. There was a man in a trench coat, one with short hair, and one with long hair. You could hear what the demon was thinking. Castiel was an angel. Sam and Dean were the brothers who hunted monsters. And they were here to save you.

"So tell me Castiel, what happens to angels who break the rules?" The man who was interrogating you said with a silver blade in his hand. It was coated in blood and Castiel's skin was covering in a sheet of thick blood.

You fought and fought for freedom. But that demon didn't budge. Wait didn't they say that you were part angel? Aren't angels all mighty and powerful? What if you could use your powers? But how do you use your powers? Is there like some manual or something?

"You know what we are going to do to you for punishment Castiel?" You said, well the demon possessing you said.

"Leave her alone," Castiel begged. "She didn't do anything." 

"That doesn't matter. She isn't supposed to exist. So we have to do something about that." A gunshot rang out and a sharp pain shot through your stomach. The demon possessing you turned a gun on you and shot you in the stomach. But then the pain stopped. It's like it never happened. You felt power surge through you. The demon started screaming it's demonic scream. The demon left your body. Ripping the scream from your throat. 

You collapsed to the ground. As you did Sam broke free and charged at the man with the knife. The man threw Sam back with a push of his hand. He turned to you and his eyes flashed blue. You had this feeling, and urge. You held your hands by your side with your palms facing the man. A light emitted from your hands and the man screamed in pain as he vaporized before your eyes. The other men with them stood there with eyes wide open. Dean broke free and Sam got up. They killed the men leaving you to help Castiel.

Once you were done freeing Castiel, Sam and Dean dealt with them. Dean was scowling at Castiel, he lied to them about who you were to Castiel. Wait? Did you just read his mind? 

"You lied to us, Cas." Dean practically growled at him. "She's your daughter and you didn't tell us? We would have done everything in our power to help you keep her safe."

"I thought that... not telling you... that you would treat her... like any other case." Cas coughed out. He started falling down. By instinct, you put his arm over your shoulder and put your hand on his chest to steady him. But then a blue light came from his chest. He was healed. He stood up on his own. "Thank you, Y/n." 

"I," Your eyes wide. "I just did that?" 

"Yes, and you can do a hell of a lot more. You are part angel apparently." Sam said. 

"Holy shit," you looked at your hands. 

Dean cleared his throat. "You can possibly be useful to us. And Cas get's his ass kicked to the edge of death often and he takes a while healing. So what do you say kid, wanna tag along?" 

But what about your students? But if you don't go with them then you will have to live your life looking over your shoulder. And you can also learn how to use these new found powers. Keep a normal life or stay?
You choose.

Comment if you are from Brazil!

That is the end! I hope you all liked it. It took me a while to write this ending. The wise words of Chuck Shurley, "Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible." I can say that is true. There were like three different endings. It's really annoying but I like a little challenge. I hope you all liked this little mini- series. Please send in more ideas for me to write about. Love you all. Hopefully, I will have something to post next week.

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