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Imagine: You have a nightmare in the middle of the night.

You are tied up against a pole and the demon you were fighting had Dean up against the wall and was choking him. You scream Dean's name until your throat is raw. The demon gives you one last look before snapping Dean's neck.

"DEAN!!!" You wake up screaming, with tears pouring out of your eyes.

The door to your room bursts open and Dean rushes in. "(Y/n) are you okay? What's going on?"

"Nothing just a nightmare." You bring your knees up to your chest. This is the third night in a row that you have had that nightmare. And Dean was noticing it. "I'm fine go back to bed."

"I don't think you are fine." He walks over to you on your bed and gets into the bed with you. "Shh. Just go back to sleep. I'm here."

You lay you head on Dean's chest. "I'm scared." You whisper.

"Don't worry. I'll fight off the nightmares." He says to you. You drift off into a deep slumber.

It seems to me that my imagines always end with the reading falling asleep, but it kinda sums up the story and puts it to an end. Sorry if there are spelling errors, there like the one thing that bugs me the most besides clowns, and people's hoods being flipped inside out.

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