Art Doesn't Always Imitate Life

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~Please send some Ideas my way. That would be greatly appreciated!~

Growing up in this small hunting community where everyone knew about monsters was very secure. Everyone carried some type of weapon on them at all times, everyone knew how to fight, and everyone knew each other.

But there is also a time where you have to grow up and go out on your first hunt. The hunter would have to be at least 16 to 18 years old, depending on your training or what status your family held. Of course, there is someone with experience there to make sure that you don't end up dead on your first hunt but sometimes they purposely put their lives at risk so that you have to find a way to save them, acting as the innocent bystander. If you don't kill the thing that you were hunting you were practically the laughing stalk of the place. And that was for men and women alike. But if your parents were the top dogs of the town, then you hunted alone for your first. And if you didn't come back, then you were a disgrace. And that was you, the daughter of the pastor in town.

But every now and again there would be some visiting hunters that are just passing through. But the thing is that they were seen as outsiders, that they were like aliens of some sort. That bugged you. Were we all hunters, right? Or were there other types of hunters?

But one fateful weekend, the weekend that you went on your first hunt two brothers stopped into town. By the looks of them and the way they always stay together, you could tell that they had a very troubled past that made them stay together. Besides that, they had one badass car! (And everyone knows it)

Your dad being the pastor, your family had to welcome them. You were hoping that since there was a guest in town that your hunt would be postponed until later. Apparently, these brothers were infamous for breaking the world multiple times, you were hoping that would also play into the delay

"Hello, I am James Y/L/N, and this is my wife Hannah, my oldest son Andrew, my daughter Y/n, and my youngest son Kyle." Your dad introduced your family.

"I'm Sam, this is Dean." The taller one with longer hair said. He was good looking and so was his brother. But they were probably twice your age and it was against the law in town to date before you killed your first monster. And they were hunters, you didn't want to stay in the life, pretty much like 99.99% of the kids in town.

"Welcome to Leavenworth, Washington boys. I hope you enjoy your stay." You dad said with the tone that you have heard about a million times. The tone used to put a mask over the way you really feel. Your dad hated outsiders because he didn't know if they would bring problems with them, and by what you have heard these guys had a lot of baggage.

You locked eye contact with the shorter one, Dean, and he knew that they were not welcome here but his look softened when he saw you. It almost looked like sorrow. Why in the world would he be sorry for me? He barely knows me.

~Later that night~

You were sitting in the church doing your nightly prayers where you heard someone walk up the aisle and sit down in the row behind you. Your ears perked up when the person spoke.

"So what is the deal with this town? My brother and I have only come across one other one like this and the pastor's daughter ended up being the Whore of Babylon." The voice was deep unknown. You turn around and are met with Dean's face. You stared at him for a few moments questioning yourself whether you should tell him or abide by your dad's rules and not talk to visitors. "Are you going to answer my question or just stare at me?"

Screw it. "Here everyone knows about monsters and everything. A while ago a whole family was slaughtered in their barn and there was a small group of people that were staying in the motel that is rarely used. So everyone suspected them and they ended up being vampires. So that is where it all started, no Whore of Babylon here." You explained.

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