Forever and Ever

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You looked at your alarm. It read 10:17 A.M. I slept in! You normally don't sleep this late. You wake up at 7. You woke up this early because you wanted to make the boys some breakfast. It made you feel normal. You turn to face Dean but he wasn't there. He was probably up late last night doing research and fell asleep in the library. That was usual. He does that when he can't sleep. It makes you worry about his health.

But instead of Dean laying next to you, there were rose petals. What? Dean not being in bed was normal but this was out of the ordinary. Rose petals? Was this some kind of romantic gesture? Or...

You get up quickly, to quick. There were black spots on your eyes from getting up too fast. You looked around after the spots cleared. The petals lead all the way out of the room into the hallway. "What the hell?" You said out loud.

You grabbed Dean's old t-shirt that was on his dresser and put it on. You didn't want to walk around the bunker half naked for God's sake. Dean was already protective of you no need to have Sam see you and make Dean even more protective. He wanted you all to himself. Selfish bastard. You walked to the doorway, there was a pink sticky note there with Dean's handwriting on it. FOLLOW THE PETALS  TO THE KITCHEN LOVE YOU! It read. You laughed. Dean never did things like this. It kind of surprised you.

You did as the note said. The petals lead all the way to the kitchen. There were more petals that lead in different directions but you followed the ones to the kitchen. In the kitchen, there was another sticky note but on a letter. The sticky read Thanks for following this trail and not any other one, you laughed. The letter read,

Dear the Love of My Life,

I hope that I've made a good impression on you throughout the years we have known each other. You have certainly made a good one. You are the strongest, most independent, free spirited person I've ever met in my life. Every person that you come across you makes them smile. The first time that I met you the only thing I could focus on was your eyes. They smile even when you aren't. They show your kind heart. They light up every time that you have an awesome creative idea. They are the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. I love them so much. I love you Y/n. Now go to Sam's room to find the next clue for what the hell is going on, I know you are thinking that.

You started crying half way through the note. But it just ended? What the hell? You just had to find out what the hell the next note said. You always had to find out what Dean was trying to say to you. So you followed the one to Sam's room. He must have has a part in this. Sam doesn't like anyone in his room without his permission. If he isn't in his room this is one rare ass occasion.

In Sam's room, there was Sam sitting on a chair with a book in his hand. "Sammy what the hell..." He cut you off before you could say more.

"Oh Y/n! What a surprise! I suppose that you are here for this?" He handed you a letter. A letter on lined paper with a sticky note on it. The sticky read, I Love you Y/n!  You opened it. 

Another thing that I love so much about you is your voice. I will never get over the fact that your voice is so deep in the morning. You say you hate it but I think it is the sexiest thing I have ever heard in my life. Even your singing voice. You say you sound like a dying donkey but in my opinion, when you sing it is like the heaven opened up and the angels sang. Not the angels we know but the basic ones that everyone else thinks of, the ones in diapers with harps sitting on clouds. When you left to hunt down the thing that had killed your best friend and left your phone here I kept calling it just to hear your answering machine. Yeah, that was a low for me. But I missed you so much, there is nothing in that moment that I wouldn't do to see you and hear your voice again and look into your bright eyes. I love you Y/n. Go to the library to find out what the next message says. 

Again with the crying. God, Dean really knew how to pull your heart strings. I guess that is what you get when you've known him for almost your whole life. But what the hell did the next note say? Time to find out. You went to the library to find a bouquet of flowers surrounded by candles. The letter was laying next to the flowers, begging you to open it. The letter read,

Y/n, the love of my life. The most important thing that makes me fall in love with you ever time I am around you is your personality. You have that type of personality that makes people happy just when you walk into a room. You don't even have to say anything; you just have that vibe to you. I swear that your smile is contagious. Every time you are smiling, it is wrong to not smile right along with you. You crack the corniest jokes I have ever heard, and that is coming from the king of corny jokes. I can say that same joke and I wouldn't get the same reaction as you do. Your charm is impeccable. You never drop it, it is always there, even when you are mad or upset it is always there lurking in the back. Your smartass remarks to the monsters we are hunting right before you go all badass on them, priceless! I sometimes wish that I had your carefree spirit. You have always taken my mind off of something that was bothering me. Everytime that I have an issue I come to you just to relieve the pain and worry. That may sound like I use you but I mean it with the utmost respect. You make me the happiest man alive. So........ Go to the garage and find the last note. Love you Y/n, till the end of the galaxy. 

Damn! This man is making you run all over the bunker! This is just one long ass love note, but what did he mean by "so". Is he doing what you think he's doing? You hurry to the garage to find the last note. You and mysteries had a love-hate relationship. 

When you open up the door that leads to the bunker there were so many rose petals and candles lining the staircase. The lights were off, which was normal. The candles gave it a romantic glow. Tears started swelling in your eyes. You walked up the stairs, the path leads to the opposite side of Baby. As you approach the side there was a sticky note on the window of Baby. It read Will you marry me? You covered your mouth as you gasped. The tears went down your cheeks. The smell of Dean's cologne filled your nose. You had bought him that scent a few months ago.

You heard someone clear their throat behind you. You turn around to see Dean dressed up in a tux down on one knee with a black box and a diamond ring. "Will you marry me Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n?"

You practically yelled, "Yes!" and ducked down to embrace him into a hug. He stood up and wrapped one arm around your waist and put one on your head. He held you tight. He let go of you and slipped the ring onto your hand. It fit perfectly. Through tears, you asked, "How did you guess my size?" You wiped away a tear.

"I may or may not have stolen your promise ring and had it sized so that I could get it right." He shot you his signature smug smile. 

"So you are the one that took it." He nodded. 

"But, worth it." He pulled you back to his chest and kissed you. There was so much love that you thought that your heart was going to burst with so much emotion. 

After a few moments of standing there kissing, you heard the metal door to the garage open and Sam yell, "Dean just a little FYI, you are cleaning up all these damn petals." 

You both started to laugh. "We will, I might use them later," Dean yelled back. You jokingly slapped Dean's chest. 

"Friggin love birds." You heard Sam mumble as he closed the door. 

Hello if you are from Italy!

I hope you all liked this chapter. I need some more ideas because my circuits are getting a bit fried. Give me some feedback on what you think I should improve on and some things that you want me to do more. Love you all!

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