The Other Girl

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You had just got back from a long stressful hunt. You were walking to the bunker and you heard a girl giggle from the inside. Dean was the only one home and he doesn't giggle like that. Your blood boiled with anger.

You unlocked the bunker door and stepped in making your presence known. You slammed the door shut and heard Dean shh the girl. You stood up at the top of the stairs looking down on the map and Dean standing in the doorway to the library with your hands on the railing.

"I'm home dear." You said sarcastically. "Would you like to introduce me to your new friend here?"

Dean just stood there staring up at you with a look of shock on his face. You were wondering what was going on. It looked like he had just seen a ghost, and that says something.

"You were just in the living room?!" He said a bit worried

"What do you mean?" You said scowling at him. 

The girl he was messing with came into the room and your eyes widened. Your identical twin sister played Dean knowing you two were together. She was always jealous of you. You had a good relationship, you were the prettier one even though you were twins, you got voted Prom Queen in High School, you were also Student President throughout your school years, you made the Dance Team, you had the fun job; If hunting is what you call fun but you get to save the world and make a difference. You hadn't seen your sister in years, and here she was ruining your life that you worked so hard for.

"Amanda. What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. Here." You said with a stern voice.

"Oh y/n, what a surprise I didn't know you lived here? You do live here don't you or are you just a friend visiting?" She said with a smirk.

"What the hell is going on?!" Dean yelled confused. 

"Dean this is Amanda, my identical twin sister, and I am not going to hold you accountable for this unfortunate event because you didn't know any better." You walked down the steps and stood in front of Amanda with your head held high. "As for you? I don't know maybe I'll feed you to the hell-hounds or the werewolves? Your choice." You said giving her a devilish smile.

"You aren't that intimidating when you make things up you know that right whore?" She said crossing her arms.

"Crowley I need 3 hell-hounds stat." You said out loud and the look on Amanda's face made your day. She could hear the growling and she probably could see the beasts too. "Now am I intimidating?"

You said as she disappeared. Crowley is surprisingly nice when it comes to messes.

"Why did Crowley give you hell hounds?" Dean asked slinging his arm around your shoulder.

"He owed me a favor for saving his ass. Look I'm sorry about my sister playing you, she can be a bitch, well she could be a bitch. After Crowley is finished with her I think she is going to be begging the Lord for mercy." You both laugh.

Dean leaned down and kissed you. "Ah, that's better. There were no sparks with her."

"You kissed her?" You turn towards him.

"Yeah, she's a terrible kisser by the way." You both laugh and walk to your shared room. You two sat on your bed and cuddled for the rest of the day.

This the last of my special stash that I have already cued up. I need some new ideas, and stat! Thanks for the reads so far, means alot. SLAY THE TYPOS.

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