Chapter 11 - Training

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The first week at your work you did nothing but paperwork. You couldn't witness the lazy Leutnant and the poor overworking boy, so you decided to finish it up for them as fast as you could.

„Thank's for your good work (>RN<). I'm really sorry for Matsumoto.", Toshirō sighted.

You blushed and stammered: „I-It's no proplem for me! I could't witness my Taichou overworking."

„Well, but it's about time for you to start missions as a soul reaper.", he considered, „But it's nessecary to know about your skills for me. We should start a day of training or something like that."

You remembered the way you trained with Kakashi while grinning.

„Wait here, please!", you said motivated and disappeard.


You two stood on a training place when you gave him a little bell.

„What's that?", he asked confused.

„It's a little bell!", you giggled.

"Yeah, I can see this! But what's about it?!", he pouted.

„Just put it on.", you ordered with a warm smile.

Toshirō tied the bell on his waist.

„So, the rules are easy. I just have to take away this little bell from you.", you explained.

„I don't even know what to think about it", he answered a bit sceptic.

You teased him: „I hope you aren't scared, Hitsugaya-sensei."

„Of course I'm not!", he replied disgusted, „And I'm even your Taichou not your Sensei!"

„Aye, aye, I'm sorry", you giggled.

Then you took up position for fighting. You were a bit excited, 'cause you hadn't seen his trained skills before.

You start the fight with a quick jump to attack him from the front. He blocked your hit easily, so you did a fast kick, but he could avoid. Both of you pause for a moment while thinking: „He's/She's good."

You two smirked to each other and startet unsheathing. It was an balanced fight, you don't used your Sharingan of course. His technique was kind of perfect, you had to give it everything. After he blocked your hit you turned around, legs in the air. You kicked him, so he had to block it, his other hand still held yours, with you've hit him before. His hands were full now, you took the chance to grap for the bell. But he noticed it timely and jumped backwards away from you, so you just touched it slightly. Toshirō was suprised about your creativity while fighting. You didn't let him rest and use a fire Jutsu to attack him. He had to avoid, you attacked him from behind with another Jutsu and wounded him on his shoulder. You showed no fear to continue attacking him. He fought back and hit you on your chest with ShakaHou. Your clothes get wripped a bit, but you didn't notice. It was a good fight and it amused you. You jumped ahead to attack him against, Toshirō was prepaired to block it. Suddenly the wind blowed a piece of your wripped clothes away so he could see a part of your underwaer. He blushed and lost concentration for a moment. You didn't get why he did so, but you didn't mind to take this chance. Toshirō felt a hit and his sight faded to black. The next moment he opened his eyes confused. He lied on the ground and you sat on top of him, holding the little bell infront of his face while smirking.

„Well, you're pretty good.", he said honestly while sighting.

„Thank you very much, Hitsugaya-taichou!", you replied proudly.

„So, would you please get off of me, now? We had do patch your chest and my shoulder.", he pouted blushed.

You looked down to your chest and noticed your underwaer was showing up. Your face turned red like a tomato, you jumped away from the white-haired boy and tried to cover yourself. Then you saw his shoulder you've wounded.

„I'm really sorry for wounding you, Hitsugaya-taichou.", you said blaming.

„Don't care about that, I wanted you to fight serious. I'm really impressed about your skills.", he told with a cool voice.

„Thank you. Even so, let me cover your wounds, please. It would make me feel better then.", you replied with a cute and warm smile.

He watched you with his emotionless emerald eyes, then he grinned slightly: „Allright."


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