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theirs OK in brOKen
lie in BeLIEve
truth behind scars
Even the ones nobody sees

pain in the smiles
silent screams no one hears
hidden scars no one sees
but those are the ones 
that hurt us the worst

the things we do
the shit we say
to get ourselves through the day

i hide my pain 
to not explain
whats deep inside

i'm sick of it taking everything out of me
just to get through each day

i cant keep pretending
that everything's alright
i'm falling apart
from the inside out

happy for a little while
then something goes wrong
bright sunny days
turn to dark grey skies 

depression and anxiety
changed me  forever
 i am not who i  used to be 
i am in a darker place now

stuck in our  heads
day after day
but standing on land

being swallowed by darkness
but in a rainbow
i  think i am worthless 
that i cant do anything right
after everything i have done
its never good enough

after everything that's happened
all the heartbreak and lies
saying never mind
no really i'm fine

after all the lies
stabs in the back
heartbreak and loss
and friends that never last

everyone leaves in the end
then maybe i can keep walking forward 
not even glancing back
then i'll be alright
but it wont be tonight

my inner feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now