"Missed you Nana." Harry squealed as he held onto his Nana tightly.

"I missed you too baby boy. Have you been a good boy for your daddies?" She asked and Harry nodded his head enthusiastically and stepped out of her embrace.

"Yup! Sure I have Daddy." Harry looked to Liam for reassurance.

"Yeah, you have bub." Liam smiled as he started organising crisps and dips to put out on the table.

"This is Dan." Jay said as Dan wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Hi Harry." Dan smiled and Harry blushed, becoming a little bit shy.

"Are you going to say hello, Harry? Do you remember your manners?" Liam asked as he approached the young boy and hoisted him onto his hip.

"Hi Dan." Harry said, snuggling into Liam's shoulder.

"Sorry, he's a bit shy." Liam laughed as Dan took a seat on the couch while Jay took Harry off of Liam and they both went into the kitchen to decorate the cupcakes that Jay had made.

Soon more people started to arrive. Liam's parents were here as well as Josh. The only one missing was Louis, and his exam was meant to have been finished ten minutes ago. The boys were now all dressed in their smart clothes, Jay helping Harry to put his on after they had finished decorating the cakes.

"Dad! I see Papa!" Zayn shouted as he looked out of the window and saw Louis climbing out of his Yaris.

They didn't put the lights off, as it was four o'clock in the afternoon and Louis would expect someone to be home anyways. Instead they all gathered opposite the door and waited for him to walk into the living room.

The sound of someone approaching the apartment and then opening the door was heard. Louis shrugged his jacket off at the door and hung it up and threw his car key and house key on the little table they had in the hall.

"Li! M'home!" Louis called and then started walking towards the living room, wondering why the door was closed.

He opened the door curiously and everyone shouted "Surprise!" Louis was a bit taken back for a minute and then got a little teary. Liam motioned for the boys to go and give their Papa a hug and then once the boys had cleared from Louis, Liam went over to greet his fiancé.

"Well done baby! That's all of your exams over! I'm so proud of you." Liam said as he wrapped his arms around Louis waist and kissed him.

"I can't believe you did this Li." Louis said, looking around the room. "Mum!" He shouted when he noticed his mother and Dan sitting on the couch.

"Hey Boobear." She laughed and brought him in for a cuddle.

"Where are the girls?" He asked as he let go of his mother.

"Lottie's working so she's going to have Tommy drop her and the girls off after her work." Jay said.

Lottie, an aspiring makeup artist, was working in a beauty salon part time after school to try and get some experience. She had started a makeup course at college in the hope that she would one day be able to have her own salon. Tommy is Lottie's boyfriend of two years and is loved by the whole family. He's two years older than Lottie, a year younger than Louis, which is why Louis was a bit reluctant to let them date but he then saw how happy his little sister was.

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