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Zayn's POV

"What's going on here?!" I heard Dad ask and turned around to face him.

"Ehm... I.... Well.." I tried but failed to form a sentence.

"Zayn and I are boyfriends. I asked him to be mine at the Halloween party." Justin said simply.

"And you didn't think to tell us?" Dad asked again.

"Well, you've been so busy with Niall lately that I didn't have time to tell you." I defended and his face softened.

"Zaynie.... You know you can always talk to us - even if we're busy - we'll always listen." He said and I walked over and hugged him.

"I know, I love you Dad." I said snuggling into his bare chest.

"I love you too baby."

"What's going on?" Josh asks as him and Papa come over.

"Zayn and Justin just told us that they are going out." Dad said and Papa smiled widely and cheered.

"I totally called it!" He said and Dad glared at him.

"Louis, that's not very appropriate right now is it?" He asked sternly.

"Come on Li, lighten up. They're nearly the same age as we were when we met." Papa said while snaking his arms around Dads waist.

"I suppose." Dad sighed.

"Well I'm really happy for you two. I think you'll both be good for each other." Josh said.

"Daddyyyyyyyy." Niall whined. "I'm tired."

Dad sighed and picked Niall up and placed him on his hip. Harry wasn't too far behind and Papa put Harry on his hip.

"Well I think we're going to head home. These two are tired and I think everyone's had enough fun in the water today." Dad said.

"Yeah, us too. Don't want to start looking like prunes." Josh said.

"I'll see you at school on Monday." Justin said to me.

"Yeah. I'll see you on Monday. Bye Justin, I really really like you." I said, a blush coating my cheeks.

"I really really like you too princess." Justin laughed and kissed me one last goodbye.

"Why did Justin kiss you?" Harry asked.

"Because he is my boyfriend." I said simply.

"Like Daddy and Papa?" He asked.


"Do you love each other like Daddy and Papa?"

I thought for a moment. I really do like Justin and it hurts when I'm away from him, that's the reason that when we're apart we either text or phone each other.

"Yeah, I think I do." I said.

"Cool." Harry said, not fully understanding how special this moment was for me. When I realised I truly loved Justin.

When we got back to the house we were told to go and shower. I went first because I didn't need any help and was showered in ten minutes. I slipped some joggies on with one of Justin's t-shirts he gave me.

Ohana (Lilo family) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon