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Liam's POV

For the last few nights getting Niall to bed has become a bit of a challenge. He is always too scared to go to bed, making up all sorts of excuses like; "I can't go to bed! It's too cold in the room." Or "I'm not tired," and then going on to quote Frozen, "the sky's awake, so I'm awake."

Louis and I always get him to eventually fall asleep however, we always wake up with him tucked in our bed in the morning. He must come in during the night and quietly sneak into our bed.

It's that time again, and I'm waiting for the new excuse I'll hear tonight.

"Right Niall, time for bed." I said standing up and picking him up off of the couch.

"No Daddy. I can't go to bed yet 'cause Zaynie is still up!" He insisted.

"Niall, stop this now. You know fine well that Zayn has always stayed up later than you and Harry so I don't want to hear anymore of these excuses. You are going to bed now, and that's final." I said sternly and watched as his blue eyes filled with tears.

"Oh baby, I'm not mad. I'm just worried that you aren't getting enough sleep, okay?" I say and peck his head as he nods.

"Good, now let's get you into bed. Have you brushed your teeth?" I asked and he opened his mouth wide enough for me to see all of his teeth and nodded his head.

I got him into bed and Louis quickly came in to tell him goodnight and then he left to go and sit with Zayn again.

Just as I was about to leave the room after saying goodnight, Niall called me back.

"Daddy please don't make me go to bed. I don't like the creepy man who stands outside the window!"

"Niall baby, there's no man outside the window and please be quiet, Hazza's already asleep." I whispered.

"Please stay with me Daddy." He pleaded looking on the verge of crying again.

"Okay, I'll stay until you fall asleep okay?" I said and then attempted to squeeze my large frame into the bottom bunk without squishing Niall. The key word being trying.

Eventually I managed to be half on, half off the small bed and just lay there praying Niall would fall asleep quickly. And he did. Thank god.

As I was about to go back into the living room Zayn came through and told me that Louis has said it was time for him to go to bed. So I gave him a kiss goodnight and went to do some work while Lou was watching a movie on the TV.

After the movie finished and I completed all the work I had to do for my fathers company, Louis and I retreated to bed. We were both really tired so we just cuddled, said goodnight and fell asleep.

"Daddy? Papa?" I woke to small fingers poking me.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked to who it was.

"Niall? What're you doing up?" I asked.

"I wet the bed Daddy." He said and that's when I noticed the tear tracks running down his face. He'd been crying.

"Oh bud, it's okay. Let's go and clean it up." I said and he just continued to cry.

3rd Persons POV

Liam woke up Louis and he stripped the bed while Liam bathed Niall and tried to calm him down.

"Hey, it's okay, it was just an accident. A one time thing." Liam said.

Apparently not.

Niall wet the bed every night after that and was becoming increasingly shy again. He would barely talk to Zayn and feared Harry or Zayn finding out.

By the fifth day something happened while the boys were at the park. Zayn and Harry were playing on the shoot while Niall was happily playing on the swings until an older man came and tried to offer Niall some sweets.

"Hey bud, do you like sweeties?" He asked Niall but Niall was too scared to open his mouth. This was the guy from his bedroom window!

Niall shook his head but the man just laughed. "Of course you like sweets kid, all children do. So how about you come with me? My cars only twenty seconds away and I have a lot of sweeties you might like." The man smiled evilly.

"M-my D-daddy and P-papa told me n-not to t-talk to s-strangers." Niall stuttered and the man huffed.

"Alright kid, I'm done trying to be nice." The man said and grabbed Niall's arm. Niall let out an ear piercing scream that made the man let go of his arm and gain the attention of Louis and Liam who were at the other side of the park.

Liam sprinted over as fast as he could, picked Niall up and held him close to his chest. Rocking them both back and forth to try and soothe the sobbing boy. It was only then that Liam noticed his wet trousers.

"Daddy!" Niall wailed.

"I'm right here baby, shhhh." He said bouncing Niall up and down.

Soon Louis arrived over holding Harry on his hip and one of Zayn's hands.

"What happened?" Zayn asked but Liam just shook his head at him to silence him.

"Let's go home, Niall can tell us there."

The five of them walked home in relative silence, the only sound coming from Niall in soft whimpers.

As soon as they got home Zayn was sent to keep Harry occupied in their room while Louis and Liam bathed Niall in the en suite.

Louis took one of the pull ups they bought for Harry in case he goes to a sleepover and some pyjamas for Niall.

When Louis returned Liam already had Niall out of the bath and wrapped in a big fluffy towel.

"Come on babe, let's get you all nice and cosy in your pyjamas." Louis said as he approached Liam and Niall.

Liam unwrapped Niall form the towel and now came the hard bit. Louis pulled out the pull up and at once Niall's face turned to one of sheer horror.

"I'm not wearing that. That's one of Harry's nappies and I'm not wearing it." He stated.

"These aren't the nappies Harry wears. They're pull ups and they're only for tonight because we're going to the doctors tomorrow to see if we can get this sorted out." Liam said.

"Just for tonight?" Niall asked.

"Yeah baby, just for tonight. Now can you tell me what the man at the park said to you?" Louis asked as he dressed Niall in the pull up and pyjamas.

"He said I should go with him, then he started saying he had candy but I remembered what you said about stranger danger so I never went with him. Then he got mad and he grabbed my arm and it hurt." Niall informed the older men.

"So what did you do?" Liam asked.

"I screamed to get your attention and I think I screamed loud 'cause he dropped my arm and ran away."

"Yeah, you screamed really loud baby, you had Daddy and Papa very scared." Liam said.

"Bug, we're going to have to go to the police station tomorrow to file a report so do you have any idea who this man might be?" Louis asked.

"Yes Daddy, he's the same man that I saw at my window."

Hey guys!

This chapter is part of a prompt from larrybieberdreams combined with an idea I've had for a while. The next chapter will follow on directly from where this one left off.

If you enjoyed the chapter please tell me what you thought!

Who do you think the mysterious stalker man is?

Comment! Vote!

And if you have any more prompts please share them with me too!

Thank youuuuuu



Ohana (Lilo family) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora