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Louis POV

"Bye Zayn, I'm here today up until lunch for my senior classes so I'll probably see you around. Love you bud." I say to Zayn as we walk through the front doors of the high school.

Liam has just dropped us all off at school and seeing as it's a Tuesday, I have to take the senior classes until lunch. Liam will come and pick me up on his lunch break and then I'll go home and do some college work. Ugh, I'm tired just thinking about it.

I walk towards my first class, Advanced Level Biology, and take my respective seat. Luckily Michael's in this class so I suppose it won't be too boring.

"Alright class, take our your textbooks and do the practical assignment on page 114. You will work with your bench partners and how you carry out the experiment is totally up to you but you must use the apparatus that's listed. Good luck, you have the rest of the double period, so that gives you an hour and a half." The teacher says and then goes on to mark some assessments.

Michael and I finish just in time, but both feel like we did exceptionally well. Science has always been my strong point, Michaels too, so I'm not too worried about anything.

The bell rings, signalling the start of interval, usually I would just sit at a table with Michael and a couple of our other friends but I'm quite hungry today and forgot to bring a banana so I head to the canteen.

At the canteen I buy a banana and check my schedule for the rest of the day. The next two periods I'm meant to be helping out in a PE class. I eat my banana and then go to my locker to get my gym bag.

When the bell rings for the end of break, I walk to the sports hall and get changed quickly. I go and say hi to the teacher and he tells me what he wants me to do today.

The kids are doing football and I've to put out cones that they can dribble around. Once the kids come out and warm up, they get to work on dribbling.

Of course you can tell right away the people who play for football teams but after watching for a while it starts to get a bit boring. I zone out thinking about Liam and the boys when an announcement on the speakers catches my attention.

"Attention. Can Louis Tomlinson please report to the main office immediately. That's Louis Tomlinson to the school office immediately. Thank you."

I look at Mr Matthews and he just nods to my silent request to leave. I leave the gym hall and sprint to the office, with a million thoughts flying through my head.

Is someone bullying Zayn again? Has he gotten into a fight? I arrive at the school office and Mrs Teasdale smiles sympathetically at me.

"What happened, is everything all right?" I ask.

"It's about Zayn. He's not physically hurt but he's just thrown up half way through his English lesson." She informs me.

"Oh my poor baby. Where is he?" I ask.

"Just through here Louis, I have him lying in a dark room because he was complaining of a sore head as well."

She takes me to a separate room across from the office and opens it. It's very dark but I can just about make out a figure lying on a bed you would find in a doctors office.

Mrs Teasdale turns the lights on and I can see Zayn flinch. Suddenly he sits up and is sick into a bowl that was left beside the bed. He starts sniffling and gags into the bowl a few more times.

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