Back to normal (Kinda)

Start from the beginning

"It's alright mom. I can't hide from school forever no matter how badly I want too." That got a chuckle from my dad. He came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"When we want you to go to school you don't want to go but all of a sudden when we give you this opportunity you want to go to school."

I laughed. I actually didn't want to go to school. I was just so excited about seeing Hazel eyes in school today as my boyfriend. But at the same time I didn't want to see him. I hadn't texted him all week and I had refused to see him when I was checked into the mental hospital. I really hope he wasn't mad at me and maybe I was also kinda excited about what Benson wanted to tell me today. At first I was annoyed but maybe he has a lead or something on christina. After I finished my breakfast I grabbed my textbook and was out the door. I was so jittery that I couldn't even sit still. Maybe I should text Hazel now? No because I already waited too long. I'll just work it out with him at school. My mom pulled up the school's parking lot.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay home? I can still take the day off."

"Don't worry mom. I'll be fine. I'm already here anyway. Now go to work."

I waved my mom goodbye until I couldn't see her car anymore. I took a deep breath and recounted what I was going to say. I walked in and instantly regretted not staying at home. Everything was back to the way it was before. Me trying to get by by staring at my feet and everyone else ignoring me. I almost made it to my locker when I felt someone grab my wrist gently and turn me around. I jumped and found Hazel facing me.

"I'm so sorr-"

He pulled me into a tight hug making sure not to let go. "Oh my god you ok. Thank god you're ok."

I looked down at my shoes sheepily. "I'm sorry I didn't all you or let you see me when I was in the hospital I was just.."

He lifted my chin with his thumb. "Look at me Zoey I don't care about that. Forget that! I'm just glad you were ok. I couldn't sleep not knowing how you were or what happened to you. Then I found out what had happened at the hospital and I almost lost it. I called you hose like fifty times I even came over and knocked on the door but you weren't there. Your parents had said you were ok but I needed to see you for myself. I was even surprised to see you at school today. Your mom said you weren't going to come."
"I wasn't but I guess I wanted to see you too. You thought about me?"
He took my hand and squeezed really tight as he fix my hair. He then looked me straight in the eye. "Of course I did. I can't stop thinking about you."

I hugged him back making sure to take in every piece of him and suddenly everything was better it reminded me of the moment we had on our first date, still and quiet.

"Hey dipshit come on you don't want to be late for class!"

This tall olive skinned boy cam and practically yanked Hazel from me while his crowd of friends laughed. But I didn't mind. We did have to get to class anyway.

"So the lone wolf does have friends."

Hazel laughed in a deep hearty matter making me smile even more. "Yeah just a few. I'll see you later then? Bye Zoey."

"I'll meet you at your locker so we could sit together at lunch."

"Okay." I turned around and headed to class for once truly happy.


The bell had rung which meant the end of 4th period and now I would have lunch with Hazel and his friends. I was really nervous. What if they didn't like me? What if I did something stupid. I took a deep breath. I just had to relax I mean there was probably going to be only a few of his friends. I got to my locker and he was already there with a few of his friends.

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