Part 5

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As I walk outside for break, the blazing sun beats down on me. It's so hot outside today, I wish I could've worn something a little less tight. It's making me feel uncomfortable.

Brandon Emery is looking me up and down from where he is sitting.
"Shelby Moore! why don't you come ove-"
"Shut the fuck up Brandon," I scurry past him, avoiding his icy stare.
Sashaying away, I notice Frank slumped against an ancient oak tree.
"Hey Frank!" I skip over to him as his face lights up.
"Shelby, I need to ask you a question," he says, biting his lip. "Would it hurt if you came over for a sleepover tonight?"
"A sleepover? As in sleeping over?" I ask flopping next to him.
"Sure,but I've got to go soon. History sucks," I say, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"You're actually so cute," he chuckles, pushing the hair away from his face.
"Why do you think that?"
"Because it's fucking true, you kaleidoscope-eyed beautiful human!" Frank's words are soft as silk and float around in my mind, and we both tumble around laughing.
"So tonight, I'll let you go home and get your stuff, then I'll meet you at mine,yeah?" Frank says, out of breath.
"Got it," I say, wrapping my arms around him."I'll see you later."
"Bye, princess."

History is by far the most boring lesson ever. No one gives a shit about the past. In fact, I've lost count of the amount of times I have fallen asleep during it! The worst part though is that I sit between Brandon and Megan.

"Okay class, open your books to page 156," mr Walking yells, straightening his glasses as the class chatters.
"So, how are things with yo-what's his name?" Megan turns to face me, battering her long wispy lashes.
"Umm, his names Frank," I answer back, glaring at her.
" so if you two aren't a couple yet... then what are you?" Megan chews her peppermint gum, saliva spraying on me.
"Well don't you think it's a bit early to call ourselves a couple- I mean we've only known eachother a couple of days." I spit back at her.
"But you two are just so..."Megan breathes in."so dreamy you know? Like the kind of people you'd see in a movie. Like he even calls you princess!"
"I hope you realise, this kid had to move schools because of bullying; and I'm pretty sure he's not getting that much of a warm welcome from some people," I say , instantly swerving my head towards Brandon.
"What?" Brandon splutters, " Shelby unless you're going to ask for sex or something, I don't want to know, got it sweetie?"
"Ew why the fuck would I want to have sex with you?" I choke, clenching my teeth.
"Why wouldn't you?" Brandon sniggers, doodling on the table.
"Everything okay over there? I hope you guys are getting on with your work," Mr Walking yells, pointing in our direction. "I think we should have 10 minutes of silence please."

"Look, all I'm saying is I wish you and Frank well for the future. I mean, if you like him of course," Megan utters, trying not to get caught by Mr Walking.
"Thanks Megan," I smile meekly. I think now I know that I prefer Megan over  Connie; Megan's much more laid back and Connie is much more like a Bitchy Drama Queen!
"Whoever that dipshit is that you hang out with now, he doesn't deserve you. You've got everything a boy could want; perfect hair, perfect face, perfect body. And you chose him over me." Brandon whispers into my ear sliding a piece of paper across the desk. "You know you want me, Shelby." He grabs hold of my hand and pulls it closer to him, but I pull away fast enough.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing!" I mouth to him, burning with hatred.

"Teaching you a lesson," he smirks, pulling my hand into his boxers. "Man, Shelby you would look 10x better if your clothes were off right now."
"Stop if you perv! "I quickly pull my hand out, wiping it on his arm.
"Class dismissed!" Mr walking yells as I snatch the piece of paper and rush out of the door,dragging my bag with me.

Well that was the worst history lesson of my life. I didn't get anything done and my hand got pulled into Brandon's pants. Ugh. Now I've got the last lesson of the day, maths, since we have a half day.

"Guys, we have a new addition to our group," Mrs Nightingale shouts, drawing our attention. "Frank, would you like to sit down somewhere? Oh and everyone, you're going to be doing some delightful revision today so get out your textbooks!"
Frank meekly smiles and sits down next to me.
"Hey princess," Frank laughs, his smiley eyes fixed on mine."I can't wait for tonight, it's going to be so much fun."
"Aww, Frank you are the cutest!" I blush.
"Oi, lovebirds,get on with your revision!" Mrs nightingale chuckles and the class silently stare at us.
"I can't believe we've only known eachother for a couple of days," Frank says, writing in his perfect swirling handwriting. "It feels like I've known you forever."
"Yeah, I know. I don't think I've met anyone like you before, Frankie," I beam, covering my cheeks with my hands.
"You're legit so adorable when you smile!"
"I can be ugly for you, just watch!" I frown at him, crossing my arms as he bursts out laughing.
"That's still adorable you know!" Frank chirps, caressing my cheek.
"Guys, if you two aren't going to revise, I'm going to have to move one of you," Mrs Nightingale shoots us a stern look, clenching her teeth; the class goes silent." That's a lot better, guys."

I swear Brandon gave me something earlier. I just can't remember what it was- oh wait! It was a piece of paper. I should probably take a look at it, I think to myself, reaching for my pocket.
It reads:
Call me anytime baby. You know you'd much prefer to ride my dick than hang around with that Faggot
-  0800 344 123

In utter disgust, I crumple the note and throw it straight into the bin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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